

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Qupperneq 17

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Qupperneq 17
LÆK.NABLADIÐ 73 possibilities from which the actual information has been chosen with certain probability. Or it is the amount of yes-no questions, which is needed to exciude the actuai information from the group. A simple formula to measure the information transmission capacity of a noise- Iess channel in bits can be presented in Shannon’s terms as follows in which C = information transmission capacity W = the width of the information transmis- sion passband P = the average signalpower T = time The formula is valid for a noiseless channel. Shannon also presented a more general for- mula for channels with noise, but there the formula was denominated an indefinite form, adopting which necessitated a number of new concepts and notable mathematical know- ledge«. Upplýsingayfirfærsla verður alltaf í raun fyrir meiri eða minni truflunum (noise, Raus- chen) 35, 36, 40, 41, 42). í upplýsingakerfi röntgengreiningarinnar gætir þessara truflana annars vegar á sviði hinna tæknilegu yfir- færsluþátta a)- c) í skipuriti 4.5.1. og hinsvegar, á c)-d) — stigum þeirrar ferilmyndar, þar sem líkur á truflunum eru mun meiri en á öðrum stigum, eins og augljóst er (sbr. einnig mynd 4.2.1.) 4.7. í grein um myndgæðaeftirlit í röntgen- greiningu, o.fl. segir Rossman svo um þau efni, sem rædd voru í köflum 4.1.- 4.6. (42): »The task is compiicated by the fact that all the operations constituting the radiologic process are intimately interrelated in that the output from one forms the input to the next. Two important consequences follow from this fact. First, the diagnostic information trans- mitted by the radiologic process as a whole cannot be greater than that transmitted by any of the operations constituting the process. In order to obtain maximum over-all trans- mission of diagnostic information, or the most reliable diagnosis, therefore, each operation should be designed to deteriorate as little as possible the diagnostically significant informa- tion put into it. Second, none of the operations can be optimized without sufficient knowledge regarding at least those operations with which it is interfaced. For example, it is impossible to design the best imaging and recording system without knowing what is to be imaged and how the image is to be read out. Once the input to the system is known, an imaging system can be designed, at least in principle, which converts the input into an output that is compatible with the subsequent operation. This approach also takes into consideration the constraints imposed by the radiologic process as a whole and, thus, helps to avoid overdesigning of one operation relative to the limitation introduced by another. For example, it is useless to design a high-resolution ima- ging system when resolution is limited in the input by geometrical unsharpness introduced as a result of tube load limitation in the exposing operation«. Rossman ræðir í sömu grein (42) greiningar- þátt röntgenferilsins og kemst svo að orði: »The recognition operation takes place in the brain of the radiologist and involves such intangibles as comparison of a given radio- graphic image with a remembered »normaI« image established through education and ex- perience and the pattern-recognition ability of the radiologist. The sharp division between visual detection and recognition postulated here may appear to be rather artificial, since these operations are closely interwoven in practice. It is certainly true, however, that the diagnostic significance of radiographic images cannot be recognized by the radiologist unless they are first recorded detectably. In this context, it is meaningful to state that radio- graphic image quality is that attribute of the image which affects the certainty with which a diagnostically important detail can be detec- ted visually by the radiologist. A radiographic image is of the highest quality if it does not adversely affect the diagnosis, which is the final output of the radiologic process or, in other words, if it does not limit diagnostic certainty«. 4.8. Þegar ég var að hugleiða gerð og innihald skráningarkerfis fyrir röntgengreiningar, sýndist mér eðlilegt að skoða þá þætti kerfis- ins, sem þýðingu hafa, á þann hátt og með þeim röksemdum, sem lýst er í köflum 4.1.-4.7. Augljóst virtist, að lýsing röntgenrannsóknar



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