

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Síða 32

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Síða 32
The Nanna Svartz Gastroenterology Research Fellowship 38SS8S@88888S8S3SS8SSSS38833SS8SS3SSS88S8S88SS883SSSSS8S8SS8SSSSSS88SSS Fortia-Pharmacia instituted in 1981 a research fellowship, “The Nanna Svartz Gastroenterology Research Fellowship” to be distributed during a period of five years. The fellowship has the value of 25.000 Swedish crowns per year and will be awarded to a Nordic researcher within the gastroenterologic field, with particular reference to inflammatory bowel diseases. The application for the 1983 fellowship will be sent to Dr. Ingemar Ihse (secretary of the Swedish Gastroenterology Association), Kirurgiska Kliniken, Lasarettet, 221 85 Lund, Sweden. The application has to be received by the fellowship committee June 10, 1983 at the latest. The application should contain a brief description of the research fulfilled up to now by the applicant and a plan of the project for which the fellowship is intended to be used. The decision of llie commitlee is final. 'fc The application should be marked “The Nanna Svartz Fellowship’’. Pharmacia



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