

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Side 47

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Side 47
LÆKNABLADIÐ 93 röntgen diagnostic chains. Acta Radiol. Suppl. 280, 1968. 41. Rossman, K.: Some characteristics of the line- spread function and modulation transfer func- tion of medical radiographic films and screen- film- systems. Radiology, 1966, 86: 235-241. 42. Rossman, K.: image Quality. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 1969, Vol. 7: 419-433. 43. Friedell, H. L. and Gregg, E. C.: Radiologic and allied procedures from the point of view of visual contents and visual perception. AJR. 1965, 94: 719-732. 44. Hebb, D. O. and Favreau, O.: The mechanism of perception, Radiol. Clin. North Am. 1969, 7: 393- 401. 45. Tuddenham, W. J.: Visual search, image organi- zation and reader error in roentgen diagnosis. Radiology, 1962, 78: 694-704. 46. Yerushalmy, J.: The statistical assessment of the variability in observer perception and descrip- tion of roentgenographic pulmonary shadows. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 1969, 7: 381-392. 47. Birkelo, C. C., Chamberlain W. E., Phelps, P. S., Schools, P. E., Zacks, D. and Yerushalmy, J.: Tuberculosis case finding. — A comparison of the effectiveness of various roentgenographic and photofluorographic methods. JAMA, 1974, 133:359-360. 48. Yerushalmy, J., Harkness, J. T., Cope, J. H. and Kennedy, B. R.: The role of dual reading in mass radiography. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 1950, 61: 443- 464. 49. Yerushalmy, J.: The importance of observer error in the interpretation of photofluorograms and the value of multiple readings. Inter. Tu- berc. Yearbook 1956, 24: 110-124. 50. Tuddenham, W. J. Visual search patterns in roentgen diagnosis, Radiology 1961, 75: 255-256. 51. Tuddenham, W. J.: Problems of perception in chest roentgenology. Facts and fallacies. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 1963, 1:277-289. 52. Thomas, E. L.: Search Behaviour. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 1969, 7: 403-417. 53. Garland, L. H.: Scientific evaluation of diagno- stic procedures. Radiology 1949, 52: 309-328. 54. Garland, L. H.: Studies on the accuracy of diagnostic procedures. AJR. 1959, 82: 25-38. 55. Brekkan, Á.: Geislavarnir og ákvarðanir við röntgenrannsóknir. Læknablaðið, 1968, 54: 109- 122. 56. Shannon, G. E.: A mathematical theory of communication. Bell Syst. & Techn. J. 27: 279- 623. (Quoted by Laasonen). 57. Bergstrand, I.: Rationalisering av en röntgenav- delnings expeditionsarbete. Sjukhuset 1972, 49: 66-71. 58. Bergstrand, L.: Arkivering av röntgenfilm, alter- nativt förslag. Lakartidningen, 1973, 70: 1827- 1829. 59. Hagstofa íslands (Ingimar Jónasson, deildarstj.): Persónulegar upplýsingar 1974. 60. Brolin, I.: Systematisering och databehandling av röntgenutlátanden. Lákartidningen, 1967, 64: 51-58. 61. Curran, W. J., Stearns, B. and Kaplan, H.: Privacy, confidentiality, and other legal consi- derations in the establishment of a centralized health-data-system. N. Eng. J. Med., 1969, 281: 241-248. 62. Hall, P.: Sekretessproblem vid datamaskinell lagring av journalen. Lákartidningen, 1965, 62: 2934- 2936. 63. Hall, P.: Datatekniska aspekter pá sekretesspro- blemet. Nord. Med., 1973, 88: 185. 64. Kedward, H. B., Eastwood, M. R. and Furlona. Computers and psychiatric data recording: Ra- tionale and problems of confidentiality. Compr. Psychiatry, 1973, 14: 133-137. 65. Læknablaðið, Ritstjórnargrein: Tölvuvinnsla og samræming gagnasöfnunar (P.Á.). Læknablaðið, 1973, 59:246. 66. Nordisk Medicin: Ritstjórnargrein: Lákarsekre- tessen i dataáldern, Nord. Med. 1973, 88: 33-34. 67. American College of Radiology: Index for Roentgen Diagnoses, 2nd ed., Chicago 1961. 68. Dokumentationschlussel filr Röntgendiagnostik. Deutsche Röntgensellschaft, Entprobungs-Ent- wurf 1964. 69. Gould, D. M., and Morgan, R. H.: Professional and administrative indexing system. AJR., 1955, 74:98-103. 70. Svenska Socialstyrelsen: Lista över Radiologi- ska átgárder, Stockholm, 1970. 71. Röntgendiagnostiska Centralavdelingen Lasa- rettet Lund. Modifierad Klassifikation av radio- logiska átgárder, (offset), Lund 1972.



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