

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Blaðsíða 28

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Blaðsíða 28
342 LÆKNABLADID um með langa sögu um einkenni farnast jafnt á við pá sem ieituðu fljótt læknis eftir að einkenni byrjuðu (2). Að öðru leyti hefur petta atriði verið lítið rannsakað. Eftirtöldum adilum er pökkud veitt aðstoö: Visindasjóði fyrir styrk til rannsóknar þessarar, Guðmundi Björnssyni og Helga Sigvaldasyni fyrir yfirlestur handrits og ganglegar ábendingar, Jónasi Ragnarssyni fyrir aðstoð við frágang mynda. SUMMARY During the 25 year period of 1955 to 1979, 29 cases of malignant melanoma of the choroid andciliary body and 4 cases of melanoma of the iris were diagnosed in Iceland. 78,6 % of all eye cancers and 0.29 % of all malignant neoplasms recorded in the country were uveal melanomas. Excluding the iris melanomas, the mean annual incidence rate per 100000, adjusted to standardized »Icelandic« popu- lation, was 0.7 in males and 0.5 in females. No change in the incidence rate was noted in five five year periods, 1955-1979. There was no significant difference in incidence rates between urban and rural regions. In 31. of December 1982 19 patients with melano- ma of the choroid and ciliary body were dead and in 9 cases the cause of death was melanoma meatasta- sis. All deaths in metastasis occurred within five years from enucleation. In no case was metastasis found before enucleation. Life table analysis was used in computing surviva! rates but no account could be taken of age distribution. Five year survival rates for all patients was 51 %, 64 % in males and 30 % females. The difference of survival in relation to length of history was not significant. HEIMILDIR 1) Jensen OA. Malignant melanomas of the uvea in Denmark 1943-1952. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, 1963. (Thesis). 2) Raivio I. Uveal melanoma in Finland. An epidemiological, clinical, histological and pro- gnostic study. Copenhagen: Scriptor, 1977. 3) Bjarnason O, Tulinius H. Cancer Registration in Iceland 1955-1974. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1983. 4) Jensen OA. Malignant melanomas of the human uvea. 25-year follow-up of cases in Denmark, 1943-1952. Acta opthal. (Kbh) 1982; 60: 164-82. 5) Tulinius H, Sigvaldason H. Aldursstöðlun. Lbl. 1978;64: 133-6. 6) Colton Th. Statistics in medicine. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974. 7) Sigvaldason H. Personal communication. 1984. 8) International Classification of Diseases. Gene- va: World Health Organization, 1977. 9) Scotto J, Fraumeni JF, Lee JAH. Melanomas of the eye and other noncutaneous sites: Epidemi- ologic aspects. J Natl Cancer Inst 1976; 56: 489- 91. 10) Abrahamsson M. Malignant melanoma of the choroid and the ciliary body 1956-1975 in Halland and Gothenburg. Incidence, histopa- thology and prognosis. Acta ophthal. (Kbh) 1983; 61: 600-10. 11) Halulinen T, Teppo L, Saxén E. Cancer of the eye, a review of trends and differentials. Wrld Hlth Stat Quart 1978; 31: 143-58. 12) Magnus K. Trends in cancer incidence. New York: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1982. 13) Zimmerman LE, McLean IW, Foster WD. Does encucleation of the eye containing a malignant melanoma prevent or accelerate the dissemina- tion of tumour cells? Br J Opthalmol 1978; 62: 420-5. 14) Seigel D, Myers M, Frederick F, Steinhorn SC. Survival rates after enucleation of eyes with malignant melanoma. Am J Opthalmol 1979; 87: 761-5. 15) Shields JA. Changing trends in the management of choroidal melanomas. Trans Pacific Coast Oto-Opthalmol 1979; 60: 215-25.
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