

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1988, Side 33

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1988, Side 33
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 55 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI - STEFÁN SKAFTASON Nýlega varði Stefán Skaftason læknir doktorsritgerð sína »Otosurgery in Iceland 1970-80. - A clinical study of 1,001 cases operated on by the author«, við Háskóla íslands. Andmælendur voru prófessor dr. med. Otto Meurman frá Turku í Finnlandi og fyrrverandi yfirlæknir dr. med Ole Bentzen við Heyrnarmiðstöð danska ríkisins í Árósum. Fjallar ritgerðin um 952 aðgerðir höfundar á háls-, nef- og eyrnadeild Borgarspítalans í Reykjavík og 49 á háls-, nef- og eyrnadeild í Kalmar í Svíþjóð. Útdráttur ritgerðar hans fer hér á eftir. The dissertation consists of six chapters covering the otological problems and the resultant surgical techniques used in treatment, together with a full appendix giving detailed data on all the patients treated and the codes used to describe patient categories and treatments, a total of 171 pages. The body of the text is divided into 6 chapters. The first is historical and lists and recounts the work of all Icelandic otorhinolaryngologists who were in practice prior to 1970, or the beginning of the present study. This historical review covers the otosurgery performed before the opening of the Ear, Nose and Throat Department at the Reykjavik City Hospital. The first chapter also covers the work of the ENT Department, and the staffing and services both of the Outpatient Department, and the surgical ward for the period in question. The chapter concludes with a map of Iceland and the geographical distribution of the patients by voting district. As is to be expected, the data show that the farther the patient is from the capital area, the poorer the medical treatment he has received. The second chapter describes the author’s stay in Germany and his studies there where stapedectomies were performed with the patient in a semi-horizontal position and under local anaesthesia. The chapter presents data to argue that having the patient in this position makes it easier for the surgeon to perform the operation and gives better results that when the patient lies prone on the operating table. The next four chapters present the data on the operations performed in Iceland from 1970-80, and the audiological results measured at 3 month intervals for as long as one year from the time of surgery. Chapter III covers 296 stapedectomies performed on 271 patients, 171 of them female and 125 male, of which 49 were performed in Sweden with the patients in a semi-horizontal position and the remaining 247 at the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the Reykjavik City Hospital with the patient lying prone. The audiological results are presented and compared and conclusions drawn. In the author’s opinion, otosurgery performed with the patient in a semi-horizontal position gives better results: 100% of these cases had a closed bone-air gap after surgery against 84.6% of those operated on in a prone position. Of the 296 stapedectomy cases, only 0.3% had social hearing (0-30 dB) before surgery but 81.1% at the 1 year follow-up. Chapter IV covers the 387 tympanoplasties performed on 323 patients. The medical history of this method is briefly reviewed along with the equipment the author used and the type of tissue used for the implants. The audiological results are presented in tables, histograms, and the discussion. The results show that the implant took in 94% of the cases and the patients obtained marked hearing improvement at the conclusion of the surgery. Chapter V deals with the treatment of chronic otitis media and the 280 tympanoplasties performed on 169 patients. The chief aims of the surgery are, in the first place, to get rid of the chronic aural discharge, and in the second place to provide a hearing gain, if it is possible. The results of these operations are shown in 8 tables and 4 histograms. One year following surgery 89.4% of the ears were no longer draining and 45% had a marked improvement in hearing. The sixth chapter is entitled »Disorders of the External and Middle Ear«. Most of these patients had an intact tympanic membrane but with a break in the ossicular chain of varying degree and



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