

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1995, Qupperneq 50

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1995, Qupperneq 50
560 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 1. Patients with symptoms from urethra: a. Pain or discomfort on urination. b. Frequency. c. Pain, itchiness or other discomfort in the urethra. 2. Patients with pain or inflammation in tes- ticles or epidymis. 3. Patients with other sexually transmitted diseases like warts, herpes or Ped. pubis. Asymptomatic males, 15-40 years of age: 1. If they are known to have had three con- tacts or more for the last six months. 2. If a partner (last six months) has had symptoms or signs compatible with STD. Females, 15^10 years of age with the follow- ing symptoms: 1. Patients with symptoms from urethra or bladder: a. Pain or discomfort on urination. b. Frequency. c. Pain, itchiness or other discomfort in the urethra. 2. Patients that have had an unsuccessful treatment of cystitis. 3. Patients with vaginal discharge. 4. Patients with vaginal pain, itching or oth- er vaginal discomfort. 5. Patients with other sexually transmitted diseases like warts or herpes. 6. Patients with lower abdominal pain. 7. Patients with bleeding at or after sexual intercourse. Asymptomatic females, 15-40 years of age: 1. If they are known to have had three con- tacts or more for the last six months. 2. If a partner (last six months) has had symptoms or signs compatible with STD. 3. All women should be tested at first preg- nancy. 4. All pregnant women, age 15-25, should be tested. 5. Chlamydia testing should be part of a gynecological examination of all women, age 15-25, who are not in a steady rela- tionship. 6. All women receiving contraception for the first time should be offered a urine sample tested for Chlamydia.
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