Málfríður - 15.03.2010, Síða 8

Málfríður - 15.03.2010, Síða 8
The Association of Foreign Language Teachers in Iceland has made Vigdís Finnbogadóttir a lifetime honorary member of STIL. In the early years of her adult life, before she became the president of Iceland, Vigdís was a French teacher, and has throughout her life been an advocate for language learning. In 1998 she was nominated Goodwill Ambassador of Languages at UNESCO, and is relentlessly working to promote the linguistic and cultural richness of the world, in spite of the fact that she is now celebrating the event of her “four-times-twentieth” birthday, as she refers to it, in the style of the French. On this occasion the president of STIL had the opportunity to share a moment with Vigdís at her beautiful ances- tral home on the University of Iceland campus. Listening to Vigdís describing how her interest in culture and languages was ignited, a picture emerges of parents who not only managed to create a loving home, but also a harbor which fostered curiosity in seeing the world and a thirst for learning languages. Her mother read to her children from foreign picture books, translating into Icelandic simultaneously, but the daughter wanted to learn to read and understand herself what these foreign words meant. She observed her parents read foreign books and keeping stacks of reading material at hand in several languages. There was a map of Europe on display in the house, and for- eign places and friends were talked about as if they were nearby. She too wanted to see those places, and was afraid that they would be destroyed in the war before she would have a chance to do so. It almost sounds like her parents had learned the theories of whole language learning before they were even put on paper, and created the ideal learning environ- ment, modeling literacy and foreign language use in the home. Entering elementary school run by foreign nuns in Landakot, and listening to them speak Danish among themselves, further sparked her eagerness to learn foreign languages. As she grew up and went to school, the curricu- lum included five mandatory language courses in: Danish, English, German, French and Latin. Vigdís found learning Latin to be invaluable, providing a sound basis for language learning since so many international words are derived from Latin roots. Being able to understand the Latin quotations on monuments and buildings when she started travell- ing in Europe was deeply rewarding. The arts have always been of particular interest to Vigdís, and that is what led her to France after grad- uating from Junior College in Iceland. She realized that France was a vibrant cultural center and a hub for new trends and developments in the world of arts. She finds that among the most important turns in her life was the opportunity to study in France, become immersed in the culture and acquire fluency in the language and literature of the French-speak- ing world. The love of France and French culture was a driv- ing force in her career as a French teacher. Being a teacher is a favorite of mine, because I delight in teaching others about culture. Not drilling in grammar, except up to the point necessary, but sharing drama and poetry with students and teaching them French songs. It is an inte­ gral part of the joy of teaching that the students feel the teacher’s joy in their company. I enjoyed being a teacher more than any other work I have done. When asked what it has meant for her and her career to be able to speak several languages the answer is clear. It has meant the world to me. Being fluent in a language other than English is vital in Vigdís’s eyes, and even if one isn’t fluent, making an effort to speak the language of the country you are visiting is important and respectful, rather than always taking the easy way out and resorting to the third language, English. She warns against the overemphasis on pragma- tism. I went to France out of sheer desire to experience the culture and I believed that if I could find out through the language what the culture was made of, I would always have something to do. I could teach French or cultural history, for instance. As it turned out I have never been out of work. drauminn um tungumálamiðstöðina sem vonandi verður að veruleika sem fyrst. Sjá nánar á www.vigdis.hi.is Vigdís verður verndari alþjóðlegrar námstefnu „Hvað er í gullakistunni?“ sem STÍL heldur fyrir hönd NBR í Verslunarskóla Íslands og Viðey dagana 18.–19. júní 2010. Þar munu tungumálakennarar af öllum stigum deila sínum bestu augnablikum úr starfi tungumálakennarans, sjálfum sér og öðrum tungu- málakennurum til uppbyggingar. Hún mun einnig heimsækja námsstefnuna og taka þátt í samræðum með fyrrum kollegum sínum. Skráning og nánari upp- lýsingar á: www.stil.is Málfríður þakkar Vigdísi fyrir spjallið og óskar henni til hamingju með afmælið.  MÁLFRÍÐUR In Honor of President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir



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