Málfríður - 15.10.2012, Qupperneq 20

Málfríður - 15.10.2012, Qupperneq 20
20 MÁLFRÍÐUR Recently, I have developed an interest in Role Playing Games and their application in teaching; primarily for teaching English, writing and literature . Role Playing Games of the ‘pen and paper’ variety are my main concern . – I almost entirely ignore computer RPGs, and MMPORPGs, such as WOW (World of Warcraft) and EVE Online; these are of course very interesting and important cultural phenomena, but they lie outside the scope of this present piece . I base this article on relevant literature on the subject, action research on my own practice (including a survey with my students), and a small survey among role players in Iceland . I will start by providing a brief introduction to the history of these games, mainly focusing on Dungeons and Dragons, and discuss the culture of RPGs in Iceland . Then, I will outline some of the basic features of the games and indicate how they may translate and function in a classroom setting . I follow this up by dis- cussing some examples of how these games have been used in teaching, internationally and in Iceland . I will continue by discussing my own experiments and stud- ies in the field, and my future plans . Finally I will look at LARP, especially Nordic LARP, an interesting out- growth of this subculture . In the documentary The Dungeons and Dragons Experience, it is stated that ‘Dungeons and Dragons is the unlikely descendant of European warfare’; and Role Playing Games (RPGs) are descendants of Dungeons and Dragons . Gary Gygax and David Arnesen pub- lished the first rules for D&D in 1974 . They were war gamers; played with miniatures on a map; but their new rules introduced fundamental changes . They shifted the players’ role from playing a general to an individual hero; and they added fantasy elements to Teaching English through Role Playing Games beginning an exploration.... Ármann Halldórsson, enskukennari við Verzlunarskóla Íslands . the game – magic, and of course, dragons . Their inter- est was not so much the ‘role playing’ aspect of the games, but rather the tactics and battles . The basic structure of D&D today is based on ‘campaigns’, each campaign being made up of smaller ‘encounters’ . RPGs are still very heavily tied up with fantasy and science fiction culture and are primarily focused on battles . This fact is much lamented by some, and the enormous influence of D&D is a source of much heated debate within the Role Playing community . As early as 1994 Andrew Rilstone complained “[D]espite there being literally hundreds of different role-playing systems, arcane expressions such as ‘3rd level cleric’ ‘experience points’ and ‘lawful evil’ still represent a lingua franca within much of the hobby” (1994) . Dungeons and Dragons is, therefore, the inevitable place to start when considering Role Playing Games – but it is by no means necessarily the place to end or indeed stay . Dungeons and Dragons has gone through several changes, and currently a 5th edition is being introduced . The basic idea has always been the same, and the basic structure of the pencil and paper variety of DnD is the template that Role Playing Games are based on . There are two roles possible for individuals playing DnD: players and Dungeon Masters . Each player plays a character . The character information is presented on a character sheet in the form of a descriptive text, but more importantly, in the form of various statistics, hit points being a very important example - if you go below 0 in hit points you die . The Dungeon Master is the other role, and she acts as referee, story teller and player of all the NPC’s (Non Player Characters) . Thus the role of DM is significantly more demanding than that of player . The DM asks what the players want to do, and the results of their actions are decided by com- bining the results of dice being thrown and the player and NPC statistics . This sounds complicated, and to a certain extent it is, but in my experience it is fairly logical and people are quick to catch on to the idea . NPCs in D&D are primarily monsters which have spe- cific sheets representing their abilities, and of course hit points too . A typical gaming session would involve 4-6 players, and one DM, it would last some hours and involve two to three encounters . A campaign would then take a number of sessions – and after a campaign is finished the characters increase their level (Wyatt et al, 2010) . In Dungeons and Dragons the ‘role playing’ can



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