Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Page 3

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Page 3
Læknablaðið THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL IOURNAL 27th Nordic Psychiatric Congress Reykjavik lceland 13-16 August 2003 Dear colleagues, other participants and guests. Welcome to the 27th Nordic Psychiatric Con- gress in Reykjavik. The theme of this meeting is “Promoting Psychialric Care”. To achieve this necessary goal professionals from all sectors within psychiatry and related disciplines have been encouraged to attend this meeting to present their research and exchange ideas. We have also called upon a few leading experts from other countries to deliver 2 out of 8 plenary lectures and to teach in 3 out of the 4 workshops on offer. The development of evidence-based care and continuity of services is as imporlant now as ever during a time of financial restraint within most health sectors in our countries. Politicians have to realise that the stigma which used to deter many individuals suffering from mental disorder to seek care is rapidly deteriorating. The only way to nieet the increased burden on services is to reorganise and strengthen the delivery of treat- ment and guidance to patients and their families at all levels of health and social care. Last year was a landmark year in schizophre- nia genetics - at last - and the integration of psychotherapy and neuroscience has already become a fact as will be shown in some of the 28 symposia organised for the congress. Eight free paper presentations will be held on selected topics and nearly 100 posters presented in two poster sessions. Old age psychiatry will be specifi- cally addressed on the 13.8 in the pre-congress meeting of the Nordic Association for Psychiatric Epidemiology (NAPE) and 8 out of 28 symposia address various topics in child and adolescent psychiatry. Sigurður Páll Pálsson Engilbert Sigurðsson The organising committee wants to thank everyone who has been involved with organising what by all counts looks like a very successful Nordic Psychiatric Congress. A congress of this size and quality is the fruit of true “Nordisk Sam- arbete”. Tliere is no question in our minds thal these meetings are needed as they promote co- operation in research, friendships and exchange of knowledge at all levels within psychiatry and related disciplines. We also want to acknowledge all our sponsors for their generous support. We strongly encourage our foreign guests to explore the many natural wonders and contrasts of the nature of Iceland during their visit, to form research and clinical alliances and, last but not least, to share ideas and fornt friendships with other Nordic colleagues. On behalf of the organising committee, Sigurður Páll Pálsson Engilbert Sigurðsson Congress website www.icemed.is/npc2003 Fylgirit 48 89. árg. Ágúst 2003 Aðsetur Hlíðasmári 8, 201 Kópavogi Útgefandi Læknafélag íslands Læknafélag Reykjavíkur Símar Læknafélög: 564 4100 Læknablaðið: 564 4104 Bréfsími (fax): 564 4106 Læknablaðið á netinu www.laeknabladid.is Ritstjórn Emil Sigurðsson Hannes Petersen Jóhannes Björnsson Karl Andersen Ragnheiður Inga Bjarnadóttir Vilhjálmur Rafnsson ábm. Ritstjórnarfulltrúi Védís Skarphéðinsdóttir vedis@lis.is Auglýsingastjóri og ritari Ragnheiður K. Thorarensen ragnh@lis.is Blaðamennska/umbrot Þröstur Haraldsson umbrot@icemed.is Upplag þessa heftis 2600 Áskrift 6.840,- m.vsk. Lausasala 700,- m.vsk. © Læknablaðið Læknablaðið áskilur sór rétt til að birta og geyma efni blaðsins á rafrænu formi, svo sem á netinu. Blað þetta má eigi afrita með neinum hætti, hvorki að hluta né í heild án leyfis. Prentvinnsla Litróf ehf., Vatnagörðum 14 104 Reykjavík Pökkun Póstdreifing ehf., Dugguvogi 10, 104 Reykjavík ISSN: 0023-7213 Læknablaðið / FYLGIRIT 48 2003/89 3


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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