Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Side 23

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Side 23
ABSTRACTS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS I allele ‘2’ of the 3' microsatellite when compared to female cases, those under 48 years and those who used hanging as a suicide method. Female controls have a significantly fewer number of ‘A’ alleles at the TPH intron 7 than female suicides. Controls have a significantly greater number of ‘CC' homozygotes at the TPH intron 7 than hanging suicides. Conclusions: We confirmed association between both allele ‘A’ of the TPH intron 7 polymorphism and allele ‘2’ of the 3’ micro- satellite with suicide completion in a very specific national sample. Both associations are consistent with some previous studies, which have shown associations between suicide and/or suicide attempts and these alleles. s“l/5 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 Suicide and suicide attempts in adolescent onset Psychotic disorders Hákan Jurbin. MD. Anne-Liis von Knorring, MD. Professor, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, County Hospital, SE-301 85 Halmstad, Sweden hokan.jarbin@bup. lu.se Background: High suicide rates of 13-16% have been reporled in follow-ups of early onset schizophrenia while reports in affective psychotic disorder and on attempted suicide are scarce. Aims: To assess the risk of suicide and suicide attempts, to describe tndividuals who attempt suicide and to analyse predictive factors. Method: Eighty-eight subjects with adolescent onset psychotic disorders (mean age 15.7, sd 1.5 years), mainly schizophrenia and affective disorders, were followed up 10.6 (sd 3.6) years later, re- diagnosed (DSM-IV) and assessed with the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, abuse of drugs including nicotine, the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile, the Strauss-Carpenter Scale and the occur- rence of suicide or suicide attempts. Results: Four males (4.5% of subjects) had died from suicide while another 25% of the subjects had attempted suicide. Subjects with schizophrenia and attempted suicide were older at onset, had more social relations and more symptoms of anxiety-depression at fol- low-up while subjects with mood disorder and suicide attempts showed trends to increased severity of dysfunction. Suicide at- tempts were predicted by more depressive symptoms but less nega- tive symptoms at first episode, to re-admissions, and to dependence °n nicotine. Condusions: Suicidal behaviour is a major concern in early onset psychotic disorders. 0-1/b Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 Prescription drugs and late-life suicide: A case-control study Wuern M, MD, PhD, NAPE, Section for Psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 413 43 Góteborg, Sweden. Carlsten A. margda.waern@neuroscience.gu.se Background: Depression has been shown a strong predictor of late-life suicide. An association between pain and suicide has been suggested. Aims. ’lo compare psychotropic and analgesic prescriptions in elderly persons who commit suicide and in population controls. Methods: Eighty-five cases of suicide among elderly persons (65+) were investigated using the psychological autopsy method, 153 living controls were randomly selected from the tax register and interviewed using the same questionnaire. Results: Tliirty-nine percent of the suicide group had an antidepres- sant prescription at the time of the suicide. Only 6% of the indivi- duals in the control group were on such medication (OR=10.2, 95%CI 4.6-22.7). Four of the suicide cases and none of the controls were on lithium. Almost one fifth of the suicides (n=16) had a cur- rent prescription for a neuroleptic. Such drugs were prescribed in only 3% of the control group (OR=8.6, 95%CI 2.8-26.8). Over a third of the suicides (n=31) had a prescription for a daytime seda- tive. This can be compared with 4% of those in the control group (OR= 14.1, 95%CI 5.6-35.6). Nineteen percent of the suicides and 11% of the controls used narcotic analgesics (OR= 1.9,95%C1 0.9- 3.9). Condusions: Psychotropic prescriptions were associated with sui- cide. Concerning narcotic analgesics, an association could not be shown. S-ll/1 Thursday 14/8,11:00 An examination of the need for psychological service in primary health care in lceland Agnes Agnarsdóttir, Psychologist, Landspítali University Hospital, Hringbraut, 101 Reykjavík agnesa@landspitali. is Background: Specialised psychological or psychiatric services are not yet an integrated part of primary health care settings in Iceland Aims: To examine the need for psychological services in primary health, an attempt was made to reveal factors that influence doctors' decisions about referrals. Method: A questionnaire was used to examine the frequency of psychological morbidity amongst general practice attendees, as identified by GPs, in 3 primary care health centres in Iceland for 3 consecutive days. The 30-item version of the GHQ was used as a pre-consultant questionnaire for patients waiting to see their GP. A questionnaire was designed for the doctors to investigate their attitude to psychological services. Kcsults: Out of 499 consultations, 23 GPs identified psychological problems in 176 patients. The GHQ identified 227 patients with such problems. A significant association was found between age of patient and identification of psychological problems by the GPs, indicating that the GPs were more uncertain in detection of such problem amongst younger patients consulting them. The GPs were found to be managing the majority of the patients - only 22 patients were referred to mental health professionals. Conclusions: The frequency and management of psychological problems in the 3 primary health care settings support the case for psychological services within primary health care settings. L/EKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2 0 0 3/8 9 2 3


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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