Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Síða 33

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Síða 33
ABSTRACTS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS I diseases like depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and personality disorders and offered them treatment like CBT- groups or medication that is specially focused on their particular problems. We have put great emphasis on family treatment and individual counselling. In this way we have extended our treatment in order to treat simultaneously the alcohol or drug addiction along with the other psychiatric problems that can usually be found in these patient groups. s - !X / 2 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 psychiatric comorbidity. Clinical aspects Krislinn Tómasson, MD, Dr. Med., Dept. of Research & Occupational Health, Admini- stration for Occupational Health & Safety, Bfldshöfða 16,110 Reykjavík, Iceland kristinn@ver.is Introduction: Psychiatric comorbidiy among alcoholics and other substance abusers is an important phenomenon that needs to be acknowledged by those taking care of them. Methods: The present paper, reviews different definitions of co- morbidity, gives a review of several studies on the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity, both among the general population of substance abusers, and those who are treatment seeking Results: Definition of comorbidity greatly affects the prevalence. However, using a definition without exclusion criteria the preva- lence in the community varies between 20% and 60% depending °n method of diagnosis, while among treatment seeking population the prevalence varies between 50% and 95% depending on method use for diagnosing and population surveyed. Even this wide defini- t>on has prognostic implication in terms of course of the substance use disorder, social consequences of substance use and mental health in general Conclusion: For proper treatment of substance use disorders a thorough assessment is needed, without using or applying exclusion cnteria while diagnosing psychiatric comorbidity. ® ~ IX / 3 Thursday 14/8,11:00 Psychosocial treatment, especially for patients with comorbidity Agnetaöjeha,®S * * * * * 11, Associate Professor, Dept. of Clin. Neuroscience, Div. of Psychiatry, 85 Lund, Sweden a8nela-ojehagen@psykiatr. lu.se Backyround: In order to determine the effectiveness of psycho- soctal treatment for alcohol dependence, a systematic review of all fandomized controlled trials (RCT) addressing this issue was Performed by the SBU. Among questions addressed were: Are SOme treatnient methods better than others? Does matching Patients to treatment improve outcome? Is special treatment uceded for substance abusers with mental illness? ethods: With the search terms “alcoholism” and „randomized controlled trials" the literature was searched, and the Iatest update was performed April 2002. A total of 164 published RCTs were ound reporting on outcomes of psychosocial treatment. Results: Specific methods, i.e. theory based, well described and often manual based (motivational enhancement, cognitive behaviour the- rapy, interactional, well structured psychodynamic, 12 step pro- gramme) were better than general support. When comparing diffe- rent specific treatment, no significant differences were found. There is little support for matching treatment to patient characteristics. Fifteen studies concerned subjects with comorbid psychiatric disorders, and there were no differences between the specific methods used. The psychosocial treatment for the substance use disorder should be coordinated with the treatment for the psychiatric disorder. Conclusions: Specific methods targeting the substance abuse should be coordinated with treatment for the psychiatric disorder. S-IX/4 Thursday 14/8, 11:00-12:30 Psychopharmacological treatment, especially for patients with comorbidity Mats Berglund, Professor, MD, Department of Clinical Alcohol Research, Malmö University Hospital, S-205 02 Malmö, Sweden mats. berglund@alk.mas. lu.se Background: Evidence-based treatment for alcohol dependence with medication has improved considerably during the last decade. Methods: Systematic review of literature as a part of the Swedish SBU-report. Results: In total, 104 published and 16 unpublished randomized controlled trials assessed the effects of medication on alcohol depen- dence. The agents acamprosate and naltrexone, have well-documen- ted effects. Acamprosate significantly increases the rate of complete recovery while naltrexone significantly reduces alcohol abuse when the drug is combined with effective psychosocial interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Antabus (disulfiram) is also documented as an effective method to reduce alcohol intake, but only when used under supervision. Drugs (antidepressants/buspi- rone) are effective in treating depression or anxiety in alcoholics. However, they have no confirmed effects on alcohol dependence. Conclusion: Effective pharmacological treatment methods are available both for alcohol dependence and concomitant psychiatric comorbidity. S - IX / 5 Thursday 14/8, 11:00-12:30 Educational assets. Addiction medicine Marianne Mánsson, Senior Physician, Addiction Centre, Malmö University Hospital, S- 205 02 Malmö, Sweden marianne.mansson@alk.mas.lu.se Background: In 1992 a new clinical curriculum was introduced in the Medical School at Malmoe General Hospital, University of Lund. A 2-week problem based course in addiction medicine was created and integrated with the internal medicine/surgery courses during the fourth year. Three modules of the course were defined according to three different major goal sections; theoretical lear- ning, attitude analysis, practical skills, and knowledge in specific clinical areas. Mctliods: Theoretical learning: A specific textbook has been Læknablaðið / FYLGIRIT 48 2 0 0 3/8 9 3 3
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