Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Síða 41

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Síða 41
ABSTRACTS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS I psycho-educational treatment in McFarlanes multifamily groups and social skills training. Inclusion was from lst of February 1998 to 31st of December 2000, 547 patients were included. Patients were assessed comprehensively at baseline and at 12-month follow-up with SCAN interview, SAPS, SANS and other validated instruments. Results and conclusion: Results show that women at baseline have fewer or Iess severe negative symptoms than men but more positive symptoms. Age of onset is surprisingly the same for both male and female, as the DUP (Duration of Untreated Psychosis) was. Male patients have more social problems than female patients concer- ning having a job, getting an education or a partner. A larger pro- portion of the nien have some kind of harm- and dependency diag- nosis. Since gender differences are marked in first episode psychotic patients more focus may lead to better understanding of the schizophrenic syndrome. S-XVI/1 Friday 15/8,11:00-12:30 Cognitive decline is associated with reduced white ■natter in schizophrenia MacCabe JH, BSc, MB, BS, MRCPsych, Clinical Researcher, Division of Psychological Medicine, Inslitute of Psychiatry, P063, Institute of Psychiatry, de Crespigny Park, London, SE5 8AF. Rossell SL, Chitnis XA, David AS, Murray RM. j- Maccabe@iop. kcl.ac. uk Background: There is growing evidence that some schizophrenia patients decline in IQ over time. We hypothesised that such decline may have a neural substrate, and consequent neuroanatomical cor- relates. Ainis: To use voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of MR images to investigate neuroanatomical correlates of current IQ and IQ de- cline in schizophrenia. Methods: 72 patients with DSM-IV schizophrenia and 32 age, gender, handedness and IQ matched healthy controls underwent neuropsychological testing (National Adult ReadingTest (NART), 4 subtests of Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Revised (WAIS- R)) and VBM using S-BAMM. IQ decline was estimated by sub- tracting NART IQ from WAIS-R full-scale IQ. Results: Patients had significantly greater IQ decline than controls (18.7 vs. 6.0, p<0.00005), smaller total brain volume (1235 vs 1300cc, P<0.005) and smaller total white matter volume (506 vs. 544 cc, P<0.05). There was no difference in grey matter and CSF volumes. IQ decline was not related to age, chronicity, age at onset, education or length of unemployment, but it was related to symptom scores. ln patients, there was a negative correlation between IQ decline and total white matter volume (patients: r =-0.26, p<0.05; controls: r=0.00, p=N.S.). Voxel-based analysis demonstrated that this corre- lation was marked in three clusters: one in the left frontal and pari- etal lobe, a second in the left temporal lobe, and a smaller cluster in the right temporal lobe. Condusions: Cognitive decline in schizophrenia may be mediated by reduced white matter in left frontal and bilateral temporal lobes. S-XVI/2 Friday 15/8, 11:00-12:30 The neuropsychology of anosognosia for memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease Krisfín Hanncsdóttir. PhD Student, Neuropsychology, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College. University of London, Kjarrvegi 2,108 Reykjavík, Iceland. Morris RG’ Anosognosia or ‘lack of insight’ is a phenomenon frequently not- iced in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although documented in early clinical observations and often considered a hallmark for the illness, research remains scare and the condition poorly understood. There are both theoretical and clinical importance of studying insight. Theoretically, it makes us wonder about the mechanism that nor- mally allows people to be aware of their own cognitive functioning. Clinically speaking, impaired insight may form an obstacle for rehabilitation, whereas patients may refuse to participate in ‘any remedial interventions’. It can also result in poor interaction be- tween patient and caregiver thus, perhaps increasing caregiver burden. Ninety-two Icelandic AD patients are compared with 92 normal controls for this study. The age of subjects ranges from 65 - 85 years. The research is conducted from a neuropsychological pro- file approach and by using a thorough neuropsychological test battery, provides information about memory, executive functioning, anosognosia, language, and visuospatial perception. Tliree quantitative measures are used to investigate anosognosia: I) ex- perimenter rating, 2) objective judgement discrepancy between actual and estimated performances, and 3) subjective-rating discre- pancy between subject and informant judgements. It is hypothe- sised that the level of insight correlates with executive and visuo- spatial functioning but is relatively independent of degree of memory impairment. Insight levels are compared between AD patients and controls as well as correlaled with each neuropsycho- logical test. The results revealed a highly significant difference between the AD patients and controls on all measures of insight. Moreover, the results indicate an association between the Rey Complex Figure Copy, the Organizational aspect of the Rey Figure Complex copy, the DEX questionnaire, Fluency Letter and insight. S-XVI/3 Friday 15/8,11:00-12:30 The prevalence of frontal variant frontotemporal dementia and the frontal lobe syndrome in a population- based sample of 85-year-olds Þorsteinn B. Gíslason, MD, Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Department, University Hospital ot Iceland, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. Magnus Sjögren, MD, PhD. Lena Larsson, MD. Ingmar Skoog, MD, PhD. thorstgi@landspitali.is Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of the frontal lobe synd- rome (FLS) and the frontal variant of frontotemporal dementia (fvFTD) in a population-based sample of 85-year-olds. Methods: A representative sample of 451 85-year-olds in Gothen- burg, Sweden was examined with a neuropsychiatric examination and a key informant interview performed by an experienced psychiatrist. A subsample underwent a computerised tomography (CT) of the head. The Lund-Manchester research criteria were used as a basis for a symptom algorithm to identify individuals with LÆKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2 0 0 3/8 9 41 L
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