Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Page 44
taking care of themselves as well. The participant's experience of
cronic sorrow, anger and empowerment is consistent with research
literature. Outstanding in this study was the participants’ descriptions
of how their love for their child was rewarded in the way they leamed
and grew through the experience of having a special child. The partici-
pants use of humour became evident and was an important and
spontaneous part in the dialogues with the researcher. The partici-
pants experienced a difference in how themselves and the fathers’ felt
and responded towards their autistic children. Based on the findings it
was concluded that professionals working in the autism sector need to
be more caring and respectful toward parents.
S - XVIII/1 Friday 15/8,11:00-12:30
Language impairment (Ll) in children with attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Sólveig Jónsdóttir, Clinical Child Psychologist/Neuropsychologist, Landspítali-háskóla-
sjúkrahús, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Dalbraut 12,105 Reykjavík, Iceland
soljonsd@landspitali. is
Background: A high percentage of children referred to child
psychiatry clinics reach critera for language impairment (LI). The
most frequent psychiatric diagnosis among children with LI is
ADHD. Children with psychiatric problems are seldom routinely
screened for LI even though most therapies are language based.
This study examined the ability of the Kaufman Assessment
Battery for Children (K-ABC) to differentiate between Icelandic
ADHD children with and without LI.
Methods: Out of a sample of 127 children aged 6 to 12 years old
who had been referred for neuropsychological assessment, children
diagnosed with ADHD were selected. Tliose children who scored
1 _ standard deviation below the mean on a measure of language
development standardized on Icelandic children were compared to
children with normally developed language on the K-ABC.
Results: ADHD children with LI have similar nonverbal intelli-
gence and similar simultaneous processing ability as ADHD child-
ren withoul LI. ADHD children with LI score significantly lower
on sequential processing skills and on subtests measuring verbal
working memory.
Condusion: Even though the K-ABC has not been standardized on
Icelandic children, those with LI show up with distinctive neuro-
psychological deficits on it. It is concluded that the K-ABC can be
confidently used to screen for language disorders in Icelandic
ADHD children referred for psychiatric services.
S - XVIII / 2 Friday 15/8, 11.00-12:30
Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
(TENS) on the rest-activity rhythm in children with
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Sólveig Jónsdóttir. Clinical Child Psychologist, Landspítali-háskólasjúkrahús, Dept. of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dalbraut 12, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland. Erik JA.
Scherder, Anke Bouma, Joseph A. Sergeant.
soljonsd@landspitali. Ls
the most common neuropsychiatric disorder of childhood. It is
characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and excessive motor
activity. Sleep disorders are a common comorbidity and research
has shown that children with ADHD are more motorically active in
their sleep than other children and that their sleep-wake schedule is
more unstable. Previous studies have shown that transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) has a beneficial effect on the
rest-activity rhythm in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
Aims: The main objective of this pilot study was to examine
whether TENS treatment could improve the rest-activity rhythm in
children with ADHD.
Method: Fourteen boys with ADHD, aged 7 to 14 received TENS
treatment for 30 minutes, two limes daily, for 6 weeks. Burst-TENS
stimulus was applied through two electrodes placed at the back of
the neck. Motor activity was measured before and after treatment
with actigraphy.
Results: Nightly restlessness decreased significantly (Z=2.06,
p<0.02) Motor activity during the day did not decrease.
Conclusions: TENS treatment of boys with ADHD had a similar
effect on nightly restlessness as previously shown in studies on
Alzheimer’s disease. It is hypothesized that TENS treatment might
be having a regulatory effect on the suprachiasmatic nucleus
through direct spino-hypothalamic pathways. Results warrant more
rigorous studies.
S-XVIII/3 Friday 15/8,11:00-12:30
Children with ADHD: How parents experience the support
they get from different institutions
Oktavia (íuðniundsdóttir, Social Worker, Landspítali University Hospital, Dalbraut 12,
105 Reykjavík, Iceland
oktavia@landspitali. is
Background: The subjects in the study were 12 parents in Sweden
with ADHD-diagnosed children. The study is a part of the require-
ments for a master’s degree in social work. The purpose was to im-
prove knowledge of the problem and to gain understanding of the
parents’ view.
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine how parents of children
with ADHD experience the treatment and support that the child
and its family get from society, for example from child psychiatrists,
social health care services, schools etc.
Method: The study is qualitative and was based on in-depth inter-
views with parents of ten children who have ADHD. A tape recor-
der was used and all answers written out in full. Each interview was
an hour long.
Result: Tlie results showed that specially trained teachers and small
classes are very important. In this environment the interaction with
the child and the parents seems to be significanlly improved. Medi-
cal treatment as well as assistance for parents from specialists is also
very important.
Conclusion: My conclusion was that early diagnosis, medical treat-
ment, and an informed social response to the special needs of these
children are central to the development of an ADHD child.
Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
44 LæKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2003/89