Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Side 80

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Side 80
I POSTERS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS Aims: To determine how psychiatric histories of schizoaffective, bi- polar and schizophrenia admissions among parents and siblings affect the risk of being admitted with a schizoaffective diagnosis. Method: We established a register-based cohort study of 2.4 million persons born in Denmark. A total of 2203 persons were admitted with a schizoaffective disorder in approximately 43 million person years. Relative risks were estimated by Poisson regression. Results: The relative risk of getting admitted with a schizoaffective disorder was 2.28 (95% CI 2.01-2.58) if the mother had been ad- mitted to a psychiatric hospital. There was an additional risk of 1.96 (1.37-2.79) and 2.32 (1.68-3.19) if the mother had been admitted with schizophrenia or a bipolar disorder, respectively. The risk was 10.37 (-2.28*1.96*2.32) if the mother presented both disorders. Similarly for fathers and siblings. Conclusion: There was an equal familial aggregation of bipolar and schizophrenia admissions in relatives of schizoaffective patients. The study suggests that the schizoaffective disorder is not simply a subgroup of either bipolar disorder or schizophrenia but may be genetically linked to both. P - 77 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Offspring s death and primary insomnia Eva Edin, MD, Dept. of Psychiatry Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SE-41345 Göteborg, Sweden. Bertil Steen, Ingmar Skoog. eva.edin@neuro.gu.se Background: Insomnia is a common and important health issue in old age. The H-70 Population study in Göteborg, Sweden, is a longi- tudinal study of elderly people from Göteborg, Sweden, and has bee ongoing since 1971. Aims: To explore whether the Primary Insomnia (PI), as defined by DSM-III-R, can be associated with other non-health related factors during the lifespan of participants. Mcthod: A representative sample of 347 non-demented 85-year olds were examined and interviewed regarding their mental and somatic health. Comprehensive neuropsychiatric examinations were performed by a psychiatrist. Results: Multivariate regression analyses were performed. The multivariate model included gender, major health factors like coro- nary health, stroke, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, and lipids. Socioeconomic factors such as disease and deaths of close relatives were included. In contrast to other insomnia types, only the PI re- vealed offspring's death as a significant factor. Of the 46 subjects with PI there were 16 subjects with previous experience of off- spring's deaths. The corresponding figures for subjects without PI were 50 out of 300, p=0.0047, gender being the only confounding factor (p=0.006 in the entire multivariate model, OR=4,l CI 1.5- 11.1). There was no effect modification by gender. Conclusions: There might be relevant risk factors associated with the sleep disorder entity classified as Primary insomnia. The death of offspring may be one of these. P - 78 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Low blood pressure is related to anxiety and depression in older people Bjorn Hildrum, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Helse Nord-Trpndelag HS, Hospital Namsos, N-7800 Namsos, Norway. Arnstein Mykletun, Eystein Stordal, Jostein Hoimen, Alv A. Dahl. bjorn.hildrum@hnl.no Background: A few epidemiological studies the last years have indi- cated a relationship between low blood pressure and anxiety and depression in the elderly. This has begun to question the dominant paradigma that chronic hypotension is without clinical importance. Aims: To examine further (i) Is the prevalence of anxiety, depres- sion and comordbid anxiety depression higher among individuals with low blood pressure? (ii) Is the association equal in men and women, and in younger and older elderly? (iii) Can the association be explained by other variables? Method: 73.5% (n=15.748) of the population 65-89 years old in Nord-Trpndelag County of Norway, participated in the HUNT 2 study 1995-97. Of these 12.749 (59.5%) filled in valid ratings of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Blood pressure and other somatic variables were obtained from the participants. Logistic regression analyses was used to examine the relation between blood pressure and anxiety and depression. Results: Elderly with systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the lowest 10-percentile group had significant higher incidence of anxiety and depression, compared with the 26-75 percentile blood pressure group. The association seems stronger with comorbid anxiety depres- sion. Control for other variables did not reduce the results essentially. Conclusions: Low systolic and diastolic blood pressure is related to anxiety, depression and comorbid anxiety depression in the elderly. P - 79 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Epilepsy and schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis: A population-based follow-up study Ping Qin, Assistant Professor, MD. PhD, National Center for Register-based Re- search, Aarhus University, Taasingegade 1, DK-8000, Aarhus C, Denmark. Huilan Xu, Thomas Munk Laursen, Preben Bo Mortensen. pq@ncrr.dk Aims: To investigate epilepsy on the risk of schizophrenia or schizo- phrenia-like psychosis and to what extent family history of mental illness and/or epilepsy and age onset of epilepsy in cases contribute to the risk. Methods: Using data from Danish longitudinal registers, we estab- lished a population-based cohort of 2.12 million persons born in 1950-2000 in which 25,736 persons had a history of epilepsy. We followed this cohort from their 15th years and identified 250 cases of schizophrenia and 463 cases of schizophrenia-like psychosis. We analyzed data with Log-liner Poisson regression. Rcsults: We found that the risks of schizophrenia and/or schizo- phrenia-like psychosis were highly associated with a history of epilepsy. This was the case when controlling for family histories of psychiatric illness and epilepsy as well as many other factors. More- over, both a family psychiatric history and a family epileptic history increased significantly the risk of schizophrenia or schizophrenia- like psychosis, regardless of cases own history of epilepsy. In addi- 80 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2003/89


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