Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1961, Blaðsíða 3

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1961, Blaðsíða 3
'Gitglisli summary V O L. 8 • NO. 4 • 1961 IÐNAÐARMÁLASTOFNUN ÍSLANDS (IMSÍ) The Industrial Productivity Institute P. O. Box 160 • Reykjavík • Iceland Bimonthly — Subscription: IceL kr. 100/year New Representatives on IMSÍs Goveming Board Inside Front Cover The Ministry of Industry has ap- pointed two new representatives to the IMSÍ Goveming Board. These are from the Iceland Federation of Labour and the Employers Association of Ice- land. The Ministry of Industry, the Mastercraftmens Association, the Federation of Co-operative Societies, the Chamber of Commerce, the Jour- neymen's Coimcil of the Federation of Labour and the Federation of In- dustries have been represented for several years. Foreman Training Courses p. 58 During the last session of Althing a law was passed which provides a framework for the execution of fore- man training courses. In accordance with the law a three man stearing committee will be responsible for this activity, which will be supervised by the Minister of Industry. The IMSÍ will be responsible for the execution of the actual course programmes. Work Study and Wage Incentives (Leader) pp. 59 and 79 By Sveinn Björnsson There is a growing interest in this country to apply wage incentives, more generally, as a way of remune- ration. This interest is for instance manifested in a recent resolution of the Legislative Assembly to the effect that a study be made of the advisa- bility of a wider application of wage incentives. The IMSÍ has been en- trusted with the execution of this study. It is of greatest importance that in the future wage incentives be based wherever possible on work study and that a general framework is provided prescribing the procedures to be fol- lowed in carrying out such studies. Next autumn a Work Study Training Programme will come into effect under the auspices of the IMSÍ in collabora- tion with the Icelandic Management Association. It is hoped that this pro- gramme will help meet the need for Work Study people. The success of the above programme depends to an appreciable degree on the interest and support of the federations of labour and employers. One may rest assured that a wide application of Work Study in Icelandic industries will lead to improved living stand- ards. Time Study, Its Role and Problems pp. 60—62 and 72 By Arthur Eide, Consulting Engineer. Based on a talk given by the anthor at the foundation meeting of the Icelandic Management Association, held January 24th 1961. Work Study and Time Study and their various uses are discussed. Reciting an actual Case History from



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