Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg


Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.06.1974, Page 102

Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.06.1974, Page 102
No 291 293 300 311 315 319 329 332 333 334 335 338 341 350 370 381 383 385 386 391 393 394 395 397 100 Sútun og önnur verkun skinna: Leöurvörugerö: Gúmvörugerö, hjólbarða- viðgeröir: Kemískur undirstöðu- iðnaður: Málningar-, lakk- og límgerð: Sápu- og þvottaefnagerð: Asfalt og tjöruDappagerð: Gleriðnaður: Leirsmíði, postulíns- iðnaður: Sementsgerð: Grjót- malar- sandnám: Steinsteypugerð , annar steinefnaiðnaður: Alframleiðsla: Málmsmíði, velaviðgerðir: Raftækjagerð, raftækja- viðgerðir: Skipasmíði, skipaviðgerðir: Smíði bílayfirbvgginga, bílaviðgerðir: Reiðhjólaviðgerðir: Flugvélaviðgerðir: Smíði og viðgerðir vísindamælitækja: Úra- og klukkuviðgerðir: Skrautvörugerð, góðmálm- smíði: Smíði og viðgerðir hljóðfæra: Burstagerð: Tanneries, leather finishing Dlants and manufacture of fur nroducts exceot wearing anparel. Manufacture of leather Droducts. Manufacture of rubber Droducts and reDairing. Basic industrial chemicals. Manufacture of Daints , varnishes and lacquers. Manufacture of soaD and detergents. Manufacture of asphalt and tared DaDer. Manufacture of glass product. Manufacture of Dotterv, china and earthenware. Manufacture of cement. Stone quarrying , gravel and sand Dits. Manufacture of concrete and non-metallic mineral Droducts not elsewhere classified. Aluminium Droduction. Manufacture of metal Droducts and machinery and repairing. Manufacture of electrical machinerv and aDDaratus, reuairing. Ship building and reDairing. Manufacture of auto tODS and reDairing. Repair of bicycles. Renair of aircraft. Manufacture and reDair of scientific and measuring instruments. Renair of watches and clocks. Manufacture of jewellerv and related articles. Manufacture and renair of musical instruments. Manufacture of brooms and brushes.
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Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg

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