Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Blaðsíða 6
1. The Livestock: Patjc.
A. Number of Livestock ................................................. 5*
B. Possessors of Livestock ............................................... 8*
II. Production of Field Crops etc............................................. 9*
III. Livestock Products .................................................... ÍT*
IV. Farm Wages ............................................................. Í5<:
V. Improvements of Estates .................................................. Í6>
VI. Subsidiary Sources of Incomc ............................................. 22*
Errata ................................................................... 23*
I. Number of Livestock at the End of 19t9, by Geographic Divisions ... í
II. Number of Livestock at tlie End of 19í9, by Districts ................. 2
III. Number of Livestock at the End of 19i9, by Parishes ................. 't
IV. Field Crops etc. in 19i9, by Districts .................................. 10
V. Field Crops etc. in 19í9, by Parishes .................................. 12
VI. Livestock Products 19Í9, by Districts ..................................... 1S
VII. Farm Wages in Cash and in Kind 19i9 ...................................... 20
VIII. Improvements of Estales 19í9. General Summary ............................ 22
IX. Improvements of Estates 19Í9. Summary by Districts ........................ 21
X. Ditches Dug by Excavators 1949 ......................................... 23
XI. Subsidiary Sources of Income 1949 ......................................... 29
XII. Number of Livestock at the End of 1950, by Geographic Divisions . . . 33
XIII. Number of Livestock at the End of 1950, by Districts ................ 3í
XIV. Number of Livestock at the End of 1950, by Parishes ................. 30
XV. Field Crops etc. in 1950, by Districts .................................. Í2
XVI. Field Crops etc. in 1950, by Parishes .................................. 4i
XVII. Livestock Products 1950, by Districts ..................................... 50
XVIII. Farm Wages in Cash and in Kind 1950 ....................................... 52
XIX. Improvemenls of Estates 1950, Excluding Ditches Dug by Excavators.
Summary ................................................................... 5í
XX. Improvements of Estates 1950, Excluding Ditches Dug by Excavators.
Summary by Districts .................................................. 56
XXI. Ditches Dug by Excavators 1950 ........................................... 53
XXII. Subsidiary Sources of Income 1950 ......................................... 59