STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 49

STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 49
S T A R A n o .3 1.T B L 2 0 15 49 Art is the pillar of freedom of expression. It draws energy from the creative energy coursing through people‘s veins. Artists use their gift to create works which have form and gain meaning when they are received by society. Art cultivates life with bravery and vision and offers resistance against destruction. The freedom of expression wants to traverse boarders without the proper passports or neces- sary permits. It leaps over the walls of segregation under fire of opposing views. Freedom of expres- sion is under scrutiny in all societies. The reac- tions can be merciless when freedom transgress- es, when somebody defies with art and breaks down borders. Art defends humanity and wounds nobody but those who are offended and exposed. Everyone can be a representative of freedom of expression, as long as they want to, but to use it or defend it necessitates courage, imagination and understanding of the consequences of silenc- ing. He who walks under the banner of freedom of expression needs to be willing to fight for the freedom of others to express their opinion. Artists everywhere should be free to create the art they want to create. They have freedom of speech, freedom of writing, freedom of visual arts, freedom of music, freedom of design, freedom of performing arts, freedom to express them- selves without fear or censorship and oppression, freedom to create ambiguous art that transforms society. Artists make waves and confuse people with their works, surprise them, open up new dimensions and expose stupidity and ignorance. Art has a vital role to play in society because works of art can release people from the straightjacket of fear, oppression and prejudice. Artists use their free- dom of expression, e.g. to work for the liberation of others and unleash their power. But freedom is not enough. Artists also need op- portunity, time and the right circumstances for their work. An opportunity to create and work at that which it most important to them. Most of them need to acquire knowledge and training in order it harness the creative force in an effective way. Each society needs powerful artists, each society needs to support art and freedom of expression if it expects to flourish. That support is hand- somely reimbursed every day with important gifts that improve society, because art is a movement constantly at work. There is a strong connection between art and freedom of expression. The word freedom of art instantly jumps forward and exclaims: “Do not be afraid, use the freedom of expression in an artis- tic way. Do not wait for tomorrow!” “Art has a vital role to play in society because works of art can release people from the straightjacket of fear, oppression and prejudice.”



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