

Jökull - 01.12.1964, Side 3

Jökull - 01.12.1964, Side 3
JÖKULL A R S R I T J Ö KLARAN NSÓ KN AFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS III 14, ÁR REYKJAVÍK 1964 Gravity Measurements in the Grímsvötn Area BY GUDMUNDUR PÁLMASON (STATE ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY, REYKJAVÍK) SUMMARY Results of gravity-measurements in the Grims- vötn area on the Vatnajökull ice sheet are given. A small area around Grímsvötn and a line Grimsfjall—Kverkfjöll were surveyed, and a connection was made with the Icelandic net of gravity statiohs: Estimate of ice-thickness are made as well as a comparison with ávailahle seismic thickness-determinations. INTRODUCTION On two of the expeditions of the Icelandic Glaciological Society to Vatnajökull in 1960 and 1961 sorne gravity measurements were made, mainly in the Grímsvötn area. The aim of these measurements was twofold; firstly to make a survey of a limited area around Grímsvötn, mainly for the purpose of inferring subglacial topography, and secondly to establish a connec- tion between that area and the net of gravity stations in Iceland. On the first expedition in 1960 the measurements were made by the author, while on the second, in 1961, they were made by Mr. Orn Garðarsson. The present report gives the results of these measurements. JÖKULL 1964 THE MEASUREMENTS The gravity work here described was made possible by the geodetic levellings, whicli were being carried out on the above two expeditions in the Grímsvötn area. On the first expedition in 1960 gravity readings were taken at 45 sta- tions over an area of 70 km2 within and east of the Grímsvötn depression, and a gravity station at Grímsfjall was connected with the gravity station at the University of Iceland in Reykja- vík. On the seconcl expedition in 1961 gravity readings were taken along a profile frorn Grímsfjall towards Kverkfjöll, which was being levelled, and along a short profile perpendi- cular to it, but no connection was made with the gravity station in Reykjavík. The location of the area around Grímsvötn, and the profile Grímsfjall—Kverkfjöll, is shown in Fig. 1. The location of the gravity stations in the Grímsvötn depression and northeast of it was determined by geodetic methods, but the sta- tions to the east and southeast were determined using the distance meter of a weasel, a com- pass, and a Paulin altimeter. These latter stations were measured on one closed loop UUinM’Á'iSAFN 61 252924 ÍSLANDS



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