Jökull - 01.12.1964, Blaðsíða 44
wards past the Cape on the 8th to llth o£ the
7/7 Coastal Guard Ice-£light: Position of ice
boundary from 6655/2300 to 6700/2230 to 6700/
2120 thence a 10—15 rniles broad strip is ex-
tending due south to the mouth o£ Ingólfs-
ijördur. Concentration of the strip only 1—2
tt/j Coastal Guard Ice-flight: The ice edge
was very open and some brash drifting inside
the main ice.
The ice was drifting slowly westwards.
The ice edge was 27 miles N o£ Cape Kögur
extending almost due west to 25° W and east-
wards to about 6700/2500. A ten miles broad
strip of ice was extending SSW from the rnain
ice ending 10 miles NNE of Cape Horn.
I8/7 Coastal Guard Ice-flight: Position o£ ice
edge 6645/2500 to 6650/2440 to 6635/2400 to
6640/2345 to 6645/2350 o 6640/2400 to 6640/
2415 to 6652/2405 to 6700/2345 to 6715/2205
to 6643/2130 to 6643/2100 to 6700/2050 to
6647/2000 to 6645/1915 to 6710/1830. NW of
Cape Straumnes a strip of brash ancl small
blocks was extending towards the coast, ending
at 22 miles off the Cape.
Within the main ice off Húnaflói 2—3 ice-
bergs were sighted. These icebergs were later
reported 15—17 miles off Cape Rifsnes (ab.
6610/2030). Further an iceberg passed Cape
Horn on July 16 and probably the same one
was reported 10 days later at 273° true and 37
miles off the Cape.
24/7 Grímsey at 0900 ancl 1800: Scattered ice
sighted 10—6 miles NNE of the islancl.
At the begin of the rnonth the ice edge was
about 32 miles NW of Cape Straumnes.
Three or four icebergs were reported from
coastal stations and coastal vessels, all between
20° and 23° W. Further a fishing vessel re-
ported (19/8) 5 bergy bits at 6606/2606, almost
60 miles W of Cape Bardi.
No drift ice sighted in Icelandic ivaters, but
unusually many icebergs were observed off the
North Coast.
The total number of icebergs reported was
6/o A british trawler sighted a very big ice-
berg at 6656/2338, about 40 miles NW of Cape
7/o The Coastal Guard reports a big iceberg
25 miles NW of Cape Stigahlíd (about 6630/
i8/9 M/g Malifell 1445: Two icebergs 44°
true 40 miles off Cape Langanes. They must
have been carried by he East-Icelandic current
from the Jan Mayen region.
The rest of the icebergs were observed off
the N-Coast between 18° and 21° W. I have
tried to find the drifting speed of some of
those which were reported on several occasions.
Nr. 1: Sighted 4/o at 0745 z on 6630/2055.
Drifted SSW ancl had reached 6615/2113 at
n/9 1215 z, where it seems to remain grounded
to the end of the month. Average speed 2.5
miles pr. 24 hours.
Nr. 2: Two bergs sighted 100° true 10 miles
off Kolbeinsey G/o 0645 z. Sighted again 8/o
1500 z on 6658/1825. Average speecl 3.5 miles
pr. 24 hours.
Nr. 3: Drifted frorn 6641/1853 to 6632/1905,
about 6 miles pr. 24 hours.
Nr. 4: Drifted from 6627/1900 14 miles south-
wards, where it was grounded at the Coast.
Speed 4.7 miles pr. 24 hours. 18/o a two miles
wide strip of blocks (bergy bit) was reported
in coastal waters at this place (Saudanes, 19°
The average speed in these four cases is
roughly 4 miles pr. 24 hours.
From the ice reports published in JÖKULL
since 1953 I have calculated the average longi-
tude of the ice limit at every degree of lati-
tude between 65°—71° N in the twelve years
period 1953/64. The results are shown on the
map and in the Table. The figures for each
month are as a rule means of 2—4 observations,
but in some cases only one. For 65° thus two
years were missing and for 71° three years.
These have been extrapolated and given in
paranthesis. Further the years with highest and
lowest figures have been traced on the map in-
dicating the minimum and maximum width o£
the Greenland Icebelt.