
Jökull - 01.12.1964, Side 8

Jökull - 01.12.1964, Side 8
ed from gravity measurements at the edge of the ice cap, or from combined seismic and gravity measurements at a few stations on the ice. The gravity measurements are then well suited to interpolation between seismic thick- ness determinations. In this work only few seismic thickness deter- minations were available in the area surveyed. On the profile Grímsfjall—Kverkfjöll only one seismic station was used to estimate the crustal Bouguer anomaly, which then was assumed to be constant along the whole profile. In the Grímsvötn area absolute ice-thickness determination is uncertain due to insufficient control in the form of reliable seismic ice-thick- ness determinations, but variations in ice-thick- ness can probably be considered reliable over limited areas. In the Grímsvötn depression a minimum estimate of ice-thickness of 110 meters was found. A subglacial ridge, 150—200 meters high above the bottom of the depression, was found at the eastern edge of the Grímsvötn depression. Further gravity work on Vatnajökull for ice- thickness determination should be accompanied by an increased number of seismic. control sta- tions. Such combined work would give, besides ice-thickness, valuable data for the general picture of the crustal Bouguer anomalies in the Vatnajökull area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The present work was made possible by the geodetic measurements which were being car- ried out in the Grímsvötn area by Mr. Gunnar Thorbergsson, Mr. Steingrímur Pálsson and Mr. Sigmundur Freysteinsson. The gravity measure- ments along the line Grímsfjall—Kverkfjöll were made by Mr. Örn Gardarsson. Mr. Sigur- jón Rist yielded invaluable help in navigating the weasel between the gravity stations. Mr. Jón Jónsson, geologist of the State Electricity Authority, supplied a Paulin altimeter for the first expedition. To all these persons the author wishes to express his gratitude. REFEREN CES Bull, C„ and Hardy, J. R„ 1956. The determi- nation of the thickness of a glacier from Frá félaginu AÐALFUNDUR Aðalfundur var haldinn í Breiðfirðingabúð 21. febr. 1964. Fundinn sóttu 64 manns. Fund- arstjóri var Einar Sæmundsson. Þetta gerðist: 1. Formaður flutti skýrslu stjórnar um störf félagsins á liðnu starfsári. 2. Lagðir voru fram endurskoðaðir reikningar félagsins. Eignir félagsins í árslok voru metn- ar á kr. 299.277,72. Félagsmenn voru 312. 3. í stjórn voru endurkjörnir Arni Stefánsson, Sigurður Þórarinsson, Sigurjón Rist og Trausti Einarsson. Jón Evþórsson er for- maður til aðalfundar 1966. I varastjórn voru endurkjörnir Guðmundur Jónasson, Magnús Jóhannsson og Stefán Bjarnason og endur- skoðendur Páll Sigurðsson, Rögnvaldur Þor- kelsson og Gunnar Böðvarsson. 4. I fundarlok var kaffidrykkja og síðan sýndu Sigurður Þórarinsson og Magnús Jóhannsson litskuggamyndir af Brúarjökli og svæðinu kringum Pálsfjall. Sigurður ræddi einnig um túndrutígla á hálendinu og sýndi myndir af þeim. ÚR SKÝRSLU FORMANNS Formenn starfsnefnda félagsins eru: Ferðanefnd: Magnús Jóhannsson Skálanefnd: Stefán Bjarnason Skemmtinefnd: Halldóra Thoroddsen Bílanefnd: Gunnar Guðmundsson Vísindasjóður veitti 30 þúsund krónur til þess að halda uppi veðurathugunum í Jökulheimum. Hófust þær 12. júní og var þeim haldið uppi óslitið til 24. september. Lengst af sá Flelgi Björnsson, stúdent, um veðurathuganirnar, eða frá júnílokum fram í miðjan ágúst. Þá tók við Pétur Sumarliðason, kennari, í hálfan mánuð og síðan Sigurður Sverrisson. measurements of the value of gravity. J. Glaciology, 2: 755—762. Einarsson, Tr„ 1954. A survey of gravity in Ice- land. Soc. Sci. Islandica, XXX, Reykjavík. Joset, A„ and Holtzscherer, J. J„ 1954. Expedi- tion Franco-Islandaise au Vatnajökull, Marz—avril 1951. Resultates des sondages seismique. Jökull, 4: 1—32. Thorarinsson, S„ 1965. Personal communication. 66 JOKULL 1964



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