
Jökull - 01.12.1964, Page 16

Jökull - 01.12.1964, Page 16
Fig. 10. View from the old terminal moraine of Hálsajökull towards the recent one. The big, dark block shown on fig. 9 is visible in front of the moraine to the right on the photograph. Photo: S. Thorarinsson, July 25, 1964. which also have a flat intake area, reached their maximum extension quite recently (Thorarins- son 1949). In many peat bogs, especially in Northern Iceland, the transition from subboreal to sub- atlantic conditions is very marked, indicating a sudden and great change in the climate, which seems to have become both colder and more humid. For a period of unknown length the subatlantic climate must have been a little more favourable for glacier growth, viz. a little more severe, than the climate of the “Little Ice Age”. This period was long enough to bring highly alpine glaciers in Iceland frorn their minimum to their maximum extension in Post- glacial Time, but not long enough to bring outlet glaciers with a flat intake area to a similar position. REFERENCES: Hannesson, P., 1953. Á Brúaröræfum. Hrakn- ingar og heiðavegir III: 18—64. Reykjavík. Jennings, J. N., 1952. Snaefell, East Iceland. The Journ. of Glaciol. 2, No. 12: 133-137. Thorarinsson, S., 1956. On the Variations of Svínafellsjökull, Skaftafellsjökull and Kvíár- jökull in Öræfi. Jökull, 6. ár: 1—15. Thorarinsson, S., 1963. Eldur í Öskju — Askja on Fire. Almenna bókafélagið. Reykjavík. Todtmann, E. M., 1955. Úbersicht úber die Eisrandlagen in Kringilsárrani von 1890— 1955. Jökull, 5. ár: 8-10. — 1957. Kringilsárrani, das Vorfeld des Brúar- jökull, am Nordrand des Vatnajökull. 1955 Neues Jb. Geol. u. Paláontol., Abh. 104, 3: 255-278. — 1960. Gletscherforschungen auf Island. (Vatnajökull). Cram, De Gruyter Sc Co. Hamburg. Woldstedt, P., 1938. Vergleichende Untersuch- ungen an islándischen Gletschern. Jb. Preusz. Geol. L. A. 59: 249—271. Vatnajökull hlaupinn. Frásögn Þorvarðar læknis Kjerúlfs 1890. Jökull, 12. ár: 47-48. ÁGRIP 1 ofanritaðri grein er fjallað um öskulaga- rannsóknir á Brúarörœfum og kringum Snœfell i þvi skyni að ákvarða aldur þeirra jökulgarða, er sýna mesta útbreiðslu Brúarjökuls og Hálsa- jökuls austan í Snœfelli síðan isa leysti af land- inu i lok siðasta jökulskeiðs. Frá Kverkárnesi ausiur i Maríutungur teygja JÖKULL 1964 74



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