
Jökull - 01.12.1964, Page 24

Jökull - 01.12.1964, Page 24
Fig. 8. Sketch map showing the area affected by the advance o£ Sídujökull 1963/64. Based on aerial photos. reconnoitring flight Jan. 12, 1964. Then a net- work of wide crevasses had spread at least 4 km towards SW from Pálsfjall. The lower part of the glacier was covered by fog, but judging frorn the crevassing SW o£ Pálsfjall as compar- ed with the condition there Sept. 27 the pre- vious auturnn, the writer regards it as certain that the crevassing had now spread to the glacier margin. April 23, 1964, H. Gíslason, G. Gudmunds- son and Th. Sigurdsson, together with some other members of the Glaciological Society, 82 drove in jeeps to the margin of Sídujökull just W of the river Djúpá where it turns SSE. They found a very steep ancl high front, nearly vertical in places (figs. 6 and 7), but its ad- vance seemed to have come nearly to a halt. In front of the glacier they built four cairns — the distance between the eastern- and westernmost ones being about 5 km — and measured the distance from them to the glacier margin. These measurements tliey repeated Sept. 24, 1964. Then the ice-margin at the westermost cairn had advanced 30 m, whereas at the other cairns JÖKULL 1964



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