

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 65

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 65
Notes on the Katla volcanoglacial Debris Flows JÓN JÓNSSON National Energy Authority, Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland ABSTRACT The nature ojKatla Jlows is discussed. It is demonstrated that they are different Jrom other features which in Iceland are termedjökulhlaup and shouldpreferably be described as volcanoglacial debris Jlows. The total volume of the peak of the flows is supposed to amount to even more than 2 million md/sec. The flows seem to contain 80% or more solid material, to a great extentpumice, derivingfrom the volcanic centre. The density of the Jlow is supposed to be 2.5 g/crrd. The flows are supposed to continue as submarine turbidity currents. INTRODUCTION The subglacial volcano Katla situated in the east- ern part of Mýrdalsjökull in South Iceland is one of the most active in Iceland and known for its high production of tephra but still more feared for the tremendous and dangerous flows, Kötluhlaup, caused by the eruptions. As far as is known to the author of this note they are the most voluminous and catastrophic known to occur on earth in our times. HISTORY The first mentioned eruption in the Mýrdalsjök- ull (jökull = glacier) seems to have occurred about 930 A. D. From that time and up to the year 1625 A. D. information about volcanic activity in this area is rather uncertain but there seem to have been 17 eruptions (Thorarinsson 1975). Some of these erup- tions, however, did occur in the western part of the glacier, and it is therefore questionable if they should be termed Kötluhlaup (Katla flows). From the year 1625 and onwards we have quite reliable information written by eye-witnesses. Information on Katla eruptions in historical time has been coll- ected and printed in Safn til Sögu Islands IV. The most detailed information we have on the Katla flows is found in the records of the last eruption of Katla which occurreed on the 12th of October 1918 (Jóhannsson 1919, Sveinsson 1919, Sveinsson 1930). In this paper I will not deal with the Katla eruptions sensu strictu but only with the above mentioned flows caused by the eruptions. The 1918flowwill bethemain topic of this paper. The nature of this flow as well as the material deposited by the flows, however, represents the Katla flows in general. Undoubtedly the flowsof 1660, 1721and 1755 are the most voluminous and violent in history. Part of the material left by the latter two is still retained in Höfðabrekkujökull and possibly also in Austurjök- ull (see the map). Through history the Katla flows have in Iceland been referred to as “jökulhlaup", glacier burst, mainly consisting of ice and water, and even in our time compared to other floods known to occur in Iceland, e. g. the well known floods of Skeiðará. The Skeiðarárhlaup, however, are normal glacial drainage floods, sometimes as- sociated with volcanic activity in the Grímsvötn caldera (Thorarinsson 1957). It is only in 1974 that the author of this paper, in a Report to the Icelandic Cival Defense Board, pointed out that the Katla flows are of entirely different nature (Jónsson 1974) and should preferably be indicated as volcano-glac- ial debris flows (Jónsson 1980 a, b). They are identi- cal with the debris flows described by Gascoyne (1978) and by Johnson (1970) and Flink et al. (1981). THE KATLA ERUPTION OF 12th OCTOBER 1918. Course of events 'Fhe first warning of an eruption was a sudden, sharp earthquake, felt in the village Víkjust about 1 p.m., followed by tremours for about halfan hour. (Jóhannsson 1919). Near 3 p.m. an eruption cloud was seen above the glacier, and at the same time or slightly later a tremendous flood was seen rushing JÖKULL 32. ÁR 61
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1. tölublað (01.12.1982)
