

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 96

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 96
3io L. O&ferwilioiKT pcw turnfee ©cereífev e«f íífienttí, « íctegne SstigfcefotfFictlen inteaem tife toenbe fJttneiet (’), íDion feet « eftet ben ene ®og« 06fett>«ietttt 6íe» ®iíbfcelt«Uct fot Sittíuiis* ningen 25° 21', tnen eftet bett anben ®«,t* 31° 40', altfaa en 3orflFie( «f 3° 41' ttaa famme ©ftb i fatttme Jjasn, og Oet paa fartmie 'ítb of íDagen i ie tinanben ftrajr paafolgenbe ®age, eg jeg fegte at (taoe (Scutpaffet fiaaettbe faa fangt tet funfce fta 3etn i ©fibct, i tet minbpe 6e mig ft?n(tge f»«t« Sföflffet, fsotfote mon iffe flfulte fotmobe foa megen gotjTfiel, fc»or»eí jeg fffe »ií nagtt ffiltieflgfjebett af et eöet onbet fFiuft 3ern, tog f«a neet ot 3eit* íiionlngen futtbo 6li»e foa flatf »at mig utroeltgt; jcg mener betfet, «t matt ctooe foge «atfagett t «n anben ©rtmb (l). !33i (aoe nemlig i tn iefonbjf J&a»n, og mtget neet £anbs b«n ene $ag vat i33iitbfn Oiotb»efl, rnett ben anben 5Dag »at ten Oietb, og aitfaa (aae ©fibet i fotflieBige ©tiainger og öfflanb fta bet cmfting»eet«nbt £anb; nu inbc&olbet 3«lanb upaat»i»(e(ig flete SDiinctaUet, ifcer SSafaíten, fom eftet ðiaturfotjfetties (gtfatittget «t fotmtbeifl fin ^Sern^olbig^eíí 6e»iifl at uórPe paa ffiiogttetttaoíen. fKittultgs eiflt Jat bette toaeret ffiarfagen tií benne* got»irting, (jtiifet ©onwtcnfigttiní gen af feigettbe D6feroatíoner paa J5olmen«6«»ti fpneí at 6e»ife; og jeg eein* bret ettbntt meb beflemt 93i«þeb, « poa en 0t, falbetíBiibee, i jitflberaclbte J)«»n fcot jeg fel» feet en betptelig ffiiangbe (Sofolt. ©ftbet iaae omirtnt imeliem 4 til £ ffiiiil fta benne 0e. Ðm bet »at töafoit paa flete ©teber, « ntíg u6efltnbi? men nton fcar gtmtbet ffiorfag til at ttoe, at biffe i Sanbet til Sompofletí gonsitting eatenbe S8irfning«oatfaget maae »are ftaftige ttof »if enbog «t fttnbe fotnemmeí paa ©fibene, fom ligge nbe paa Jjasneit. ffiiueltgen fnnbe feí» ^asbunben tmbet ©fibet inbefiolbe flige magnetttaffenbe ffiiittetaiiet, og ba, ifat ont Xpbben ei »at betpKIíg, (>a»e S8irfning, ffiian fee til 0lo. 20; bífíe D6fer»aiíonet cte tagne i Jj>clracn«§a*n pa« famme ífpfl, eg §»ilfen Jigget jufl uabet famme ffiiertbian, og tffo mere enb Fig. 1. A page from P. Löven- örn’s paper: ‘Observations of the compass’ declinadon at diíferent locations during two marine voy- ages, with explanatory notes, as well as some observatíons on the confusion of the compass needle in Icelandic ports, its daily varia- tion there, and a few observations of the magnetic inclination". Nye Samiing af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrift- er, Femte Deel, Copenhagen 1799: 299-326 (in Danish). Mynd 1. Utskýring Lövenörns á kompásskekkjum við Island. by J. Graham and collaborators in the U. S., and detailed description of inversely magnetized igneous rock outcrops from Europe by A. Roche and others. However, the origin of the main magnetic íield was still not understood, as may be seen from the 1952 publication of P. M. S. Blackett’s work regard- ing his hypothesis that a magnetic dipole field might be an intrinsic property of all rotating objects. In the first edition of T. Nagata’s book on Rock Magne- tism in 1953, the reality of geomagnetic field rever- sals is doubted, partly in view of the discovery of a repeatably self-reversing rock type in Japan; how- ever, this rock has tumed out to be quite unique in its properties, and numerous subsequent studies have also shown that even irrepeatable self-reversal must be a relatively rare phenomenon. It must have been known to many travellers and navigators that Icelandic rocks can be quite strongly magnetic. Thus, it is mentioned in the Ferðabók (Travelogue) of E. Ólafsson and B. Páls- son, first published in 1772, that during their famous ascent of Snaefellsjökull in 1753 their com- pass had behaved very erratically. In a 1799 paper, P. Lövenörn (Fig. 1) reported that during his care- ful declination measurements in Icelandic harbors in 1786 he had obtained confusing results which he attributed to the magnetic effects of iron-rich miner- als in nearby basalts. Early in this century R. Chevallier and P. Mer- canton measured the magnetization (N. R. M.) ofa number of oriented and semi-oriented basalt samples collected during French and Swiss Arctic expeditions. Basalts from Mull, Disko, the Faeroes and Spitzbergen turned out to be generally in- versely magnetized, but samples from Jan Mayen were normally magnetized. Mercanton (1931, 1932) reported laboratory measurements on altogether 11 basalt samples which he collected, during the 1929 and 1931 cruises of Pourquoi Pas?, at Eskifjörður, Eyjafjörður, Vatneyri, Þingvellir, and Hvammsey in Hvalfjörður. The magnetization of all of these was normal except in one sample from Esktíjörður which gave an inclination of — 7°. However, as these 92 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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Ársrit Jöklarannsóknarfélags Íslands og Jarðfræðafélags Íslands
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1951-í dag
Myndað til:
Jón Eyþórsson (1952-1967)
Sigurður Þórarinsson (1957-1982)
Guðmundur Pálmason (1965-1976)
Sveinbjörn Björnsson (1967-1976)
Helgi Björnsson (1983-1985)
Leó Kristjánsson (1983-1985)
Ólafur G. Flóvenz (1986-1987)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1988-1989)
Helgi Björnsson (1990-1993)
Leó Kristjánsson (1990-1993)
Áslaug Geirsdóttir (1994-2007)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1998-1998)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (1998-2007)
Halldór Gíslason (2002-2003)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2006-2007)
Freysteinn Sigmundsson (2008-2008)
Leifur A. Símonarson (2008-2008)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2008-2008)
Ívar Örn Benediktsson (2012-2012)
Helgi Björnsson (2012-2012)
Guðrún Larsen (2012-2012)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2012-2012)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (2013-2016)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2013-2016)
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson (2013-2016)
Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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1. tölublað (01.12.1982)
