

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 102

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 102
Fig. 5. R. L. YVilson and J. Edwards coring lava no. 5 in profile EQ, Bessastaðaá, summer of 1965. Photo L. Kr. Mynd 5. Sýnasöfnun á Fljótsdal sumarið 1965. Liverpool (were VVilson was setting up a labora- tory), N. D. Watkins (a former associate of Doell), P. Smith and S. E. Haggerty (graduate studcnts). Sampling (two per fiow) was partly by hand sampl- es in the SVV, but in E-Iceland all samplcs were collected by means of portable drills provided by VVatkins. The 1965 collection, covering Fljótsdalur and a couple of profiles in Alftafjörður, was mostly made by VVilson and J. Edwards (Fig. 5). In 1967, P. Dagley and assistants carried out detailed collec- tion at some magnetic polarity transition zones in E-Iceland. The total number of flows sampled was ca. 300 in SVV-Iceland, and 1 100 in E-Iceland (including 200 thin extra flow units). This was by far a world record at the time. Specimens from all cores were measured in detail in Liverpool, and the remanence ofduplicatespecimensfrom many ofthese lavas was measured in an astaticmeter in Reykjavík. The SVV-Iceland profiles did not constitute a complete stratigraphic section, and detailed re- ntanence results from these have not been publish- ed. IVilson et al. (1972) presented polarity diagrams and plots for the individual profiles, including pol- arity zone numbers according to Einarsson’s scheme, but few correlations were indicated. In- dependently, however, J. D. A. Piper of Imperial College (Iater of Liverpool University) carried out field mapping in the Hvalfjördur-Borgarfjördur area and made the first detailed correlation ofgeo- magnetic polarity zones in SVV-Iceland with the named epochs ofthe polarity time scale (Piper 1971, 1973b). Although various aspects of this correlation and of his associated conclusions on crustal growth in Iceland have now been revised (see below), Pip- er’s work served as a useful basis for discussions of the geology of SVV-Iceland forseveral years. Initial paleomagnetic results from E-Iceland were published by Dagley et al. (1967). Radiometric dataon cores, althoughpoor, indicated amaximum age of 20 M. y. Dagley et al. estimated that 60 reversais occurred in their complete profile, though correlations between some of their 21 sections were uncertain due to the long distances involved. This result was in good agreement with reversal rates that were being deduced from ocean floor magnetic lineations in 1966-67, and Dagley et al. attempted some correlations with these time scales. They also estimated volcanic production rates and revised IVensink’s (1964) polarity schemefor Fljótsdalur. Details of the E-Iceland work were published in a large paper by Watkins and Walker (1977). These included paleomagnetic data for all flows and flow units, stratigraphic profiles with correlations, stads- tical treatment of remanence directions, and much other information. It should be noted that Watkins and Walker (1977) use a much less stringent rejection criterion for internally discordant flows than most other paleomagnetic workers, and this criterion has even not been applied consistently in constructing polarity columns in their Appendix. The main other publications on paleomagnetic work from the E-Iceland fjords are that oi'McDoug- all et al. (1976a) which correlates a Iong normal- polarity zone in Dagleyet al’s (1967) profilcs E, F and J with polarity epoch 9, and work by Piper et al. (1977) on 40 lavas and 103 dykes in the Reyðar- fjörður area. Magnetic measurements on large nuntbers of Reyðarljörður rock units are in the press 98 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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Ársrit Jöklarannsóknarfélags Íslands og Jarðfræðafélags Íslands
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1951-í dag
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Jón Eyþórsson (1952-1967)
Sigurður Þórarinsson (1957-1982)
Guðmundur Pálmason (1965-1976)
Sveinbjörn Björnsson (1967-1976)
Helgi Björnsson (1983-1985)
Leó Kristjánsson (1983-1985)
Ólafur G. Flóvenz (1986-1987)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1988-1989)
Helgi Björnsson (1990-1993)
Leó Kristjánsson (1990-1993)
Áslaug Geirsdóttir (1994-2007)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1998-1998)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (1998-2007)
Halldór Gíslason (2002-2003)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2006-2007)
Freysteinn Sigmundsson (2008-2008)
Leifur A. Símonarson (2008-2008)
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Helgi Björnsson (2012-2012)
Guðrún Larsen (2012-2012)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2012-2012)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (2013-2016)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2013-2016)
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson (2013-2016)
Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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