Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1958, Síða 8
Mauntulið 1950
IV. Population by age, sex and marital status ............................................ 4
V. Population by age, sex and marital status in each town, each urban village and rural
arcas in each district............................................................. 20
VI. Population by birthplace............................................................. 34
VII. Populalion in each town, each urban village and rural areas in each districl in or
outside lown or district of residence and by sex and age........................... 52
VIII. Born in foreign countries .......................................................... 56
IX. Migration by placc of dcparlure, domicilc and birthplace............................. 57
X. Migration by year of migration and agc of migrants ................................. 58
XI. Households by size in each toivn, each urban village and rural areas in each district 59
XII. Ilouseholds by size classes and by cconomic activity of the head of household, in urban
and rural areas.................................................................... 61
XIII. Population by position in household in urban and rural areas ..................... 64
XIV. Quasi houseliolds................................................................... 65
XV. Population dependenl on eacli induslry (division, major and specified groups) by sex
and industrial or social stalus of cconomically aclive persons .................... 66
XVI. Economically activc population by industry (divisions, major and specified groups)
and industrial or social status, in urban and rural areas ......................... 88
XVII. Economically activepopulation by industry (divisions and majorgroups) and industrial
or social status in each toivn, each urban village and rural areas in each district .... 102
XVIII. Population dependent on each industry (division), economically active persons,
domcstic workers and numbcr of liouscholds, by communes ........................... 126
XIX. Economically active persons by occupation .......................................... 140
XX. Housewives cngaged in economic activily............................................ 145
XXI. Economically active persons in cach industry (divisions and major groups) by sex
and age.............................................................................. 148
XXII. Distribulion of salaried workers and wage-carners by employers...................... 156
XX///. Economically active persons with dual activities.................................... 158
XXIV. Economically inactive family members and house-maids by industry (divisions) and
industrial and social status of heads of family ................................... 160
XXV. Persons 15 years old and over by number of graduates from general secondary schools
or from vocational schools only, and by sca% age and domici'c...................... 161
XX VI. Number of graduates from university and vocational institutions, by sex and branch
of study .......................................................................... 162
XX VII. Number of graduates froin university and vocational institutions, by se* and kind
of education, for urban and rural areas ........................................... 163
XXVIII. Number of graduates from univcrsity and vocational institutions by kind of educa-
tion and country in whicli graduation took place................................... 163
XXIX. Marriages by duration of marriage and number of children ........................ 164
XXX. Marriages by ago of wife at limc of marriage, by duration of marriage and number
of children. Iceland ............................:................................. 168
XXXI. Marriages by age of wife at timc of marriagc and duration of marriage. Average
number of children per marriage. Urban and rural areas ............................ 172
XXXII. Average number of children per marriagc by occupation of liusband, duration of
marriage and agc of wife at time of marriage. The whole country ..................... 174
XXXIII. Marriages 1950 of duration 18 years and over by occupation of husband and number
of children ......................................................................... 176
XXXIV. Blind persons ..................................................................... 177
XXXV. Persons outside the Established Church, by domicile........................... 178
XXXVI. Pcrsons outside the Establishcd Church by age, marital status and economic activity 180
XXXVII. Aliens by country of citizenship and domicile in Iceland ............................ 182
XXXVIII. Aliens by country of citizenship and birth, age, marital status, religion, economic
activily and year of immigration to Iceland........................................ 184
XXXIX. Persons absent from their homes, by domicilc and temporary place of residence .... 186
XL. Persons temporarily absent, by distancc from their homes .......................... 188
XLI. Pcrsons temporarily absent, by cause of absence .................................... 189
XLII. Persons residing abroad, temporarUy staying in Iceland on Dcc. 1 1950 ......... 190
Translation of groupings in tables XV—XVI on p. 66—101........................................... 192
Supplement. The qucstionnaire used in general census on Dec. 1 1950 ............................. 195