Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1958, Page 276
Manntalið 1950
C. Air transport (717).
125. Air transport (717).
D. Services incidental to transport (718, 720).
126. Travel agencies (718).
127. Ship brokers (720).
128. Other (718).
129. Storage (720).
E. Communication (73).
130. Postal, telegraph and telephone service
Vm. Services (8).
A. Govcrnment services (81).
131. Central administration of the state and
local governments.
132. Justice, police and fire service.
133. Inspection of territorial waters.
134. Social insurance and public employment
135. Miscellaneous government services.
B. Educational services, sciencc and arts
(821, 829).
136. University and lyceums (821).
137. Primary and secondary schools (821).
138. Vocational schools etc. (821).
139. Teachers, n. e. c. (821).
140. Research institutions and scientific services
141. Libraries, museums and otlier information
institutions (829).
142. Authors and journalists, n. e. c. (829).
143. Artists, sculptors, composers etc. (829).
C. Medical and other health services (822).
144. Hospitals.
145. Physicians and midwives.
146. Veterinary services.
147. Sanitary institutions.
148. Health services, n. e. c.
D. Religious organizations and welfare insti-
tutions (823, 824).
149. Religious organizations (823).
150. Old people’s homes (824).
151. Other welfare institutions and charity work
E. Business and class services (825-27).
152. Lcgal services (825).
153. Accounting and duplicating services (826).
154. Oiling and lubrication services for auto-
mobiles (826).
155. Other business services (826).
156. Trade associations and labour organizations
F. Recreation services (83).
157. Motion picture production, distribution and
projection (831).
158. Theatres and related services (832).
159. Radio broadcasting studios (832).
160. Sporting (833).
161. Other recreation services (833).
G. Personal services (84).
162. Domestic service (841).
163. Restaurants and cafés (842).
164. Hotels and other lodging places (843).
165. Laundries, cleaning and dyeing (844).
166. Barber and beauty shops (845).
167. Photographic studios (846).
168. Undertaking and cremating services.
Churchyards (849).
169. Personal service, n. e. c. (849).
IX. Activities not adequately described (9).
170. Activities not adequately descrihed.