Hagskýrslur um húsnæðismál - 01.01.1957, Qupperneq 61

Hagskýrslur um húsnæðismál - 01.01.1957, Qupperneq 61
HúsnæGlsskýrslur 1950 59 Tafla X (frh.). Útdráttur úr húsnæðisskýrslum 1940. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e. Eftir tölu íbúða by number of dwelling units: 1 íbúð dwelling unit 1146 338 120 219 214 109 92 268 1360 1802 6 306 10 614 2 íbúðir 1011 195 74 122 213 26 32 158 820 560 665 3 056 3 760 24 35 30 66 12 7 44 218 102 67 1147 4 „ 298 2 18 6 40 1 7 16 90 22 7 417 5 79 — 4 1 8 — 2 4 19 4 — 102 6 „ o. fl 104 — 9 — 7 — 2 — 18 2 — 124 Samtals total 3 398 559 260 378 548 148 142 490 2 525 2 492 7 045 15 460 II. Þægindi il>úða. Facilities of dwellings. Ibúðir alls dwelling units total 7 723 797 526 581 1079 187 226 796 4192 3 331 7 811 23 057 a. Miðstöðvarhitun central heating: Frá katli by steam-boiler .. 5 390 380 227 307 687 67 68 422 2158 1174 1600 10 322 Frá eldavél by kitchen range 442 106 58 186 108 9 50 90 607 672 1336 3 057 Frá jarðhita by subterr. heat (hot waterj 193 166 359 Samtals total 6 025 486 285 493 795 76 118 512 2 765 1846 3102 13 738 b. Rafmagn electricity 7 688 782 506 561 1077 174 206 786 4 092 2 817 1015 15 612 c. Vatnsleiðsla running water . 7 665 778 524 573 1069 167 202 129 3 442 2 064 4 238 17 409 d. Vatnssalerni water closet .. 6 795 494 365 449 943 59 53 71 2 434 828 806 10 863 e. Baðklefi batliroom 3 796 151 89 178 444 31 25 57 975 307 514 5 592 III. Stærð íbúða. Sise classes of dtcellings. A. lbúðir með eldhúsi Dwelling units with kitchen: a. Tala ibúða number of units: 2 herb.1) rooms (incl. kitch.) 673 89 44 33 80 13 35 158 452 573 1070 2 768 3 2 309 186 192 146 294 50 50 219 1137 914 1841 6 201 4 „ 2 409 320 135 203 306 43 70 224 1301 935 1976 6 621 5 1125 117 92 104 173 30 33 105 654 392 1189 3 360 6 537 40 29 46 104 22 22 42 305 261 655 1758 7 „ o. fl. or more 592 42 30 47 109 23 16 46 313 228 996 2129 Samtals total 7 645 794 522 579 1066 181 226 794 4162 3 303 7 727 22 837 1) Eldhús telst sérstakt Sbúðarherbergi, 1 herbergi og eldhús þvi 2 herbergi, o. s. frv.
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Hagskýrslur um húsnæðismál

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