Gripla - 20.12.2017, Síða 173
the contributions of the two artists a Kri 1–2 vary somewhat in quan-
tity. this is evident in the second production unit of the Grágás codex
GKS 1157 fol. (Konungsbók Grágásar). on ff. 1–13, there are two main
initials illuminated by the two artists. the first initial (on f. 1r, see fig. 1)
was painted by a Kri 1 and features a decorated knot initial spanning over
five lines, which has now almost vanished. the design comprises a littera
florissa initial consisting of four symmetric and enrolled acanthus leaves
with additional connected dicentra flowers in three of the four corners
of the letter. unfortunately, the poor condition of the folio leaf makes it
impossible to identify any colours today, but it seems unlikely that black
was the only colour used to illuminate this highly important initial of the
the next initial of GKS 1157 fol., which is found at f. 9v and similarly
spans over five lines, was executed by the second artist a Kri 2 and features
a less exceptional style (see fig. 2). two evenly rounded acanthus spirals
with additional fan leafs, painted in light red and light blue, fill the bowl
of the initial. Large bud leaves in a similar colour are shown with extended
filaments and spiralling lobate palmettes are attached to the initial on the
left and situated in the lower margin. one of the two colours of this orna-
mented finish is the same as that used in the initial itself: the ink used was
red at the time of production but due to heavy oxidation, the colour has
since faded to a yellow-brown, as is also the case with a number of minor
initials and rubrics in the same manuscript production unit. together with
occasional arabesque ornamentation on the minor initials, the smaller
book painting suggests that the same hand was responsible for all of the
illuminations in this part of GKS 1157 fol., excluding the main initial on the
initial folio leaf. the next production unit of GKS 1157 fol. starts at f. 14r
and was written by H Kri 1 some fifty years earlier than the first unit of
the manuscript. Despite the dating of the two production units, the change
of hands is scarcely reflected in the flow of the text, since it is not dam-
ornamental models in thirteenth-century Iceland: two initials on f. 48v and f. 62v appear
to be stylistically related to a number of large initials in AM 334 fol. and GKS 1157 fol.
from the Kringla manuscript group. unfortunately, it is unknown when aM 618 4to was
imported to Iceland. However, in 1586, aM 618 4to was demonstrably located in Iceland,
as half of the manuscript was re-written and partly repainted by the priest Grímur Skúlason
(† 1582). for the dating and provenance of aM 618 4to see Kristian Kålund, Katalog over
den arnamagnæanske håndskriftsamling, II 31–32.