Vinnumarkaður - 01.12.1997, Blaðsíða 182
Tafla 7.1.9 Meðalfjöldi vinnustunda launþega á viku eftir stéttarfélögum 1993-1996
Table 7.1.9 Average actual hours workedper week by employees by labour organizations 1993-1996
Klst. 1993 1994 1995 1996 Hours
Karlar og konur 41,8 41,7 41,5 42,4 Males and females
I stéttarfélögum alls 42,4 41,9 42,1 42,9 Tota! in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 41,5 41,2 41,2 42,2 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 46,5 45,2 46,5 47,2 Ailiance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 41,1 40,2 40,1 39,2 Federation of State and Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. Isl. 68,4 69,9* 71,1* 73,9* Officers' Guifd
Iðnnemasamband Islands 39,8* 32,8* 37,5* 44,1* Apprentices ’ Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband Islands 42,2 43,2 43,2 41,3 Teachers’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband Islands 43,8* 43,0* 44,1* 52,1* Masons ’ Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 39,2 38,5 40,0 39,3 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband Islands 54,2 52,5 47,8 44,4 Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 47,0 44,0 45,8 53,2 Independent unions
Utan félaga alls 37,7 40,4 37,4 39,3 Total not in labour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 39,5 40,3 37,9 40,2 Not affiliated to any union
Otilgreint 29,6 40,5 34,6 34,7 Unspecified
Karlar 49,6 49,3 49,2 49,6 Males
I stéttarfélögum alls 50,2 49,6 50,4 50,6 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 49,3 49,0 49,4 50,2 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 52,1 52,5 55,2 53,1 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 50,1 49,2 49,1 47,2 Federation of State and Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. Isl. 68,4 69,9* 71,1* 73,9* Officers' Guild
Iðnnemasamband Islands 46,8* 37,6* 35,7* 41,5* Apprentices ’ Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband Islands 49,5* 46,3* 54,9 47,4 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband Islands 43,8* 43,0* 44,1* 52,1* Masons ’ Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 48,2 46,1* 45,7 41,0 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband Islands 54,5 52,5 47,5 44,7 Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 49,1 48,4 53,3 56,3 Independent unions
Utan félaga alls 45,8 47,6 43,2 44,9 Total not in lahour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 46,9 47,3 43,6 44,7 Not affiliated to any union
Ótilgreint 39,6 50,1 41,1 46,8 Unspecified
Konur 34,1 34,1 34,0 35,0 Females
I stéttarfélögum alls 35,0 34,7 34,7 35,7 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 33,3 33,2 32,7 33,7 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 41,0 39,7 40,8 42,3 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 36,2 35,2 35,4 35,8 Federation of State and Municipal Employees Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel
Farmanna- og fiskimannasamb. ísl. - - - - Officers ’ Guild
Iðnnemasamband Islands 28,9* 29,8* 41,4* 48,6* Apprentices ’ Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband Islands 39,2 42,0 39,2 39,2 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband Islands - - - - Masons ’ Association of Iceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 35,5 35,6 36,7 38,2 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Verkstjórasamband Islands 47,5* - 53,7* 41,6* Union of Foremen and Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 40,7* 31,0* 28,9 39,7* Independent unions
Utan félaga alls 24,3 28,8 27,5 28,2 Total not in labour organizations
Ekki í stéttarfélögum 25,7 27,8 28,4 29,4 Not affiliated to any union
Ótilgreint 20,1 31,8 21,8* 25,2 Unspecified
Skýring: Endurskoðaðar tölur fyrir árin 1993-94. Note: Revised figures for 1993-94.