Málfríður - 15.11.1990, Síða 7

Málfríður - 15.11.1990, Síða 7
Text Two: “Police searching for a man in connection with... were last night question- ing a man arrested at a West London hotel.” “Armed anti-terrorist squad detectives surrounded the London Visitors Hotel On Holland Road, Holland Park shortly before 6 p.m. after a mem- ber of the public told them that the man they were seeking was there.” “Mr Nat Handworth, aged 35, offerred no resistance and was taken to Paddington Green police station after his arrest under the Prevention of Terrorism act.” From THE GUARDIAN, Saturday, 19th April 1986. The first journalist has focused the reader’s attention on the criminal, whereas the second has told the read- er what happened and what the police did. The information in both reports is the same. The focus of the message has been affected by the use of the passive in the first report as opposed to active in the second report. That is, the grammar has changed the focus of the communi- cation. Another example from a newspaper is this report about a former minister in the government. Figure II. THE INDEPENDENT Thursday 17 May 1990 Tebbit is sued over Lonrho bidban By John Moore Assistant City Editor NORMAN TEBBIT, a former Secretary of State for Trade and In- dustry, faces a courtroom confron- tation with Lonrho and its chief executive Roland “Tiny” Rowland over the events surrounding the takeover of the House of Fraser stores group by the Fayed family. Here the use of the indefinite article has great significance. One would normally use the definite article. By using the indefinite article, the writer has lowered the status of Mr. Tebbit as a government minister and is ex- pressing an attitude towards him. When we start to see grammar in these terms, mere structural rules are not enough. How much time do we spend as teacher, for example, getting learners to manipulate the passive form with transformation drills, when often the real probiem is not how the passive is formed, but when it is used. 2.2 Teaching grammar When teaching grammar, there is a tension between teaching learners the form and teaching learners to use grammar for meaning. To paraphrase Halliday (1985), we often ask what does this form mean? whereas we should be asking how can this mean- ing be expressed? How to mean is the important aspect of communicative grammar teaching, but in accepting this, we mustn’t forget the need to teach the form. It is important that we acknowledge the new task types and activities that have been developed with the com- municative approach. At the same time, it is important that we do not abandon all together the more tradi- tional exercises that were once a regu- lar feature of classroom practice. This is not to suggest that we simply revert to old practice, but rather that we try to blend the old with the new. Perhaps as Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marianne Celce-Murcia (1985) have suggested, we need to think of teaching grammar in three phases FORM — MEANING — USE. Accuracy with grammatical form is important. But that is only the first stage. The sad thing is that often we don’t really go any further. We accept the need to “recycle” language, but too often this simply means repetition, whereas it could be the opportunity to look at the language item from a different and/or extended angle. This requires that the teachers have a clear under- standing of the probiems and difficul- ties that their learners have, and these will vary with different groups. In some cases the meaning implica- tion of a structure is very subtle as among the different ways of express- ing the future in English. It is not al- ways possible to teach the subtleties. In these cases, we must find ways to sensitize learners to the use of language. One final point here is that we shouldn’t be afraid of rules and ex- planations, either giving the explana- tion/rule or devising ways for the learners to discover them for them- selves. 3. Tasks Finally I would like to look at a few task types that I think can help learn- ers towards understanding the com- municative force of grammar. There is no attempt here to provide any- thing like an exhaustive list. I have taken just four types: i) traditionai with added dimension ii) affective iii) sensitizing iv) cognitive tasks ☆ 7



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