Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 18

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 18
16 6. A matter of no small interest is the relative use of parataxis and hypotaxis by the different authors. For both the epic part and direct speech the percentages are listed, in a grading scale. Droplaugarsona saga Parataxla % (eplc part) 63 Hypotaxls % (dlrect speech) 59 Heiðarvíga saga 60 62 Njáls saga 62 62 Gísla saga 60 62 Fóstbrœðra saga 53 71 Víga-Glúms saga 52 64 Víga-Glúms saga exc. 13-16 ... 50 66 Víga-Glúms saga 13-16 67 54 Víga-Glúms saga 16 64 53 Reykdœla saga exc. 26 51 72 Reykdoela saga 26 52 70 Hrafnkels saga 51 73 Laxdœla saga 45 81 Egils saga 45 76 Grettis saga 44 80 Of the three sagas, generally considered as being the oldest, Dropl.s. and Hevðarv.s. are heading this list. It is perhaps not too hazardous to see in this preference for parataxis an archaic feature, marking the beginning of saga-writing; or at least to evaluate these texts as specimens of unsophisticated language. Fóstbr.s. on the other hand clearly goes with another category, the ‘middle group’. The last group of three sagas stands in opposition to those at the top. A strikingly exceptional position is held by V. Gl. ch. 13-16 in that they surpass even Dropl.s. in the use of paratctxis, and widely differ from the rest of the saga. 7. A survey of the epic narrative in all texts brings to light that the number of chapters with an average length of periods amounting to less than 15 syllables is small. Out of 205 chapters tabulated only fourteen show this low average.
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Studia Islandica

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