Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 24

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 24
22 but when they have grown up they travel from country to country and make a fine impression wherever they come, return home and consider themselves of more im- portance than the chieftains. Eyvindr Bjarnason rode past here, over the river near Skálavað, with a shield so beautiful that its brilliancy shone brightly; he is looking so important he would be a fit object for one’s revenge’. The author adds: ‘The servant woman talks on with ardour’. This is a hvot, an instigation, but not directly addres- sed to whom it is meant for, by an anonymous servant who has no right or reason to be a busy-body like that. Yet, Hrafnkell immediately goes into action. A keen sense of humour, perceptible elsewhere in the narrative as well, has put its stamp on this scene. This woman’s speech, full of arrogance, is a parody of a real heroine's hvot. It should be noted that only two other women are mentioned in passing in this saga; this makes the part played by this servant all the more remarkable. Of the total number of 424 periods in the narrative only seven contain 50 or more syllables (one other: 49 syllables). The first, the opening sentence of ch. 1, is a pedigree, with appositional phrases centring around a proper name, and with two subordinating conjunctions only. It is, of course, by no means typical of any author’s style. The same applies to the second and third, in ch. 8, describing journeys and containing a series of place- names. The two, in ch. 13 and 20, cannot be taken into account either, as they are no constructions, but merely accumulations of place-indicators. So only two periods of interest remain. The one is the last sentence of ch. 8, in which the deplorable state of mind of Sámr and Þorbjom is de- scribed and the reason given: everyone has refused them help (53 syll., 34 words). The other is the fifth sentence
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