Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 67

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 67
65 adduces two versions of a detail is in his account of the weapon Fluga. V. Gl. ch. 16 in both M and V mentions Fluga as a sword. R. in the corresponding passage merely calls Skúta’s weapon Fluga, and continues: ‘some people say this was an axe, as it is said here’; this here refers either to this same passage, or else to ch. 20. The conception ‘axe’ is the author’s throughout. ‘But’, he goes on, ‘other people say this was a sword; but whatsoever it was, Skúta had this weapon always at hand, and so it was this time’. This remark clearly refers to the tradition represented in V. Gl. Its author either did not know about the other version, or else he did not bother about it, as it was of no importance to him. We are inclined to think that R. has chosen the more correct tradition. This saga knows about several proper names of weapons: sverðit Skefilsnautr, spjótit Vagns- nautr, and its author seems to be interested in these realia. Should the author of V. Gl. have read R., or even have consulted ch. 26, he would in all probability have taken over the indication 0X or have altered his sverð into ox, without caring much about which of the two was correct. The original Skútu-þáttr will have been recited as a separate unit, a self-sufficient short story. It would have been inopportune for the story-teller to give critical comment on a detail; such a break in the narrative would have been tedious to his audience. Moreover, he would hardly have had the means for criticism. Only when some listener should interrupt with a question the story-teller might be tempted to some doubt. An author, when settling down to write an account of what he had heard, might feel inclined to do justice to different ver- sions. Such a man was the author of Reykdœla saga; he put all his cards on the table. But only in ch. 26 he 5
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