Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 66

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 66
64 tion 3 — it is most likely that they come from arál tradition. When the author decided to include the Skúta-episode in his work, he was confronted with the desirability to make some preliminary remarks. He found the facts ready at hand, because they were common knowledge. This amounts to saying that the story of V. GL. ch. 16 and its introduction derive from different sources; the first from a written þáttr, the second from an oral one, or just from memory. 17. The einhleypingr. V. Gl. mentions the man who comes to Skúta, and eventually becomes his sendimaðr to Glúmr, in general terms. He is an emMey'pingr who tells he is a vígamaðr and feels uneasy in his own district. R. on the other hand not only mentions his name: Ásbjorn, but, and this is more important, goes on with the statement that he is a relative of Þorlaug, Skúta’s former wife, from whom he is separated. He asks help from Skúta on the ground that he and Þorlaug have given him their protection before. So they know each other, and it must have been an easy matter for Skúta to come forward with his suggestions. The more easily he could do so because the man Ásbjorn, a relative of Þorlaug, undoubtedly has known her father quite well. It is quite in keeping with this situation when in R. Skúta makes some additional remarks about Glúm’s character. In V. Gl. the flugumaðr is introduced in such a stereo- typed and off-hand manner, that one finds difficulty in seeing here an abbreviation of an almost indispensable link in the story. 18. The weapon Fluga. The second instance in ch. 26 where the author of R.
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