Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 30

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 30
28 Our first impression is: the Skútu-þáttr, together with the Kálfr episode, is most faithfully represented in M. Both V and R. are derived versions, V from M, or possibly from R., R. either directly from X, or from M, or from the longer V.GI., as represented by V. 4. Of a longer version of V.Gl., which probably once existed in a complete form, the Vatnshyma ms (A.M. 564 a, 4to) is a representative, with five fragments; we call this ms V. Besides, one leaf of V.Gl. is preserved in ms A.M. 445 c, 4to, namely parts of ch. 7-9; this ms is called C. All fragments are printed as appendixes in Turville- Petre’s edition of the saga. Turville-Petre, Introd. p. xxx, assumes the existence of two longer versions of V. Gl. in the Middle Ages. This of course is a possibility, but we hardly have the means at our disposal to prove that this indeed was the case. Partly this view depends on what one is inclined to call a version, a form of the saga with a character of its own. The only fragment of which no parallel is contained in M is the Ogmundar þáttr dytts, inserted in V im- mediately after Ingólfs þáttr. Should a longer version containing this þáttr have been the prototype of M, the writer of this ms would have left it out. Why, we cannot see. For our problem it is in itself of no great conse- quence whether or not two longer versions existed. The less so, because the Qgmundar þáttr, having no parallel in another ms, does not offer us the opportunity of making a comparison and eventually reaching a conclu- sion. Its features are tabulated in the statistics of sec- tions 10.1 and 11.1.
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