Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 65

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Blaðsíða 65
63 opportunity. In a shrewd manner he prepares an on- slaught. The story of their conflict is told in V. Gl. ch. 16 and Reykdœla saga ch. 26 in much the same way. In R. Skúta is the hero of part two throughout, in V. Gl. he is merely Glúm’s adversary in ch. 16. So it is the more surprising to note, in V. Gl., the lack of motive on Skúta’s part. Here one would expect Glúmr to act, and not Skúta. On the face of things it seems unlikely that any one, taking over the Skúta-episode from R., would have ab- breviated the introduction into such an unconvincing shape. Should the author who inserted the episode in V. Gl. from R., or even a revisor after him, have gone about his business more conscientiously, he could not but have discovered how unsatisfactory was the link between introduction and story. In R. this link is convincing, symbolizing cause and effect. The introductory lines of ch. 16 in V. Gl. are the ver- sion criticized in R. It is only fair to observe that these same lines, with their rather vague phrasing, are not inapt for the author’s purpose. His readers are not so much interested in the fact that Þorlaug has had three husbands. He, and they, are satisfied with two only, Skúta and Arnórr. From this last marriage have come men of distinction, as R. and M both state in the same stereotyped phrase. It will have been well-known in the North of Iceland. After the last sentence of V. Gl.’s in- troduction: ‘Síðan var með þeim Glúmi ök STcútu fæð miTdl’ some time elapsed before Skúta went into action. It is improbable that the author of V. Cfl. consulted R. while writing this introduction. As has been observed above, with the facts before him he could hardly have mutilated them to such a degree. And these facts not being part of the þáttr — cf. sec-
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