Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - aug 2013, Qupperneq 46

Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - aug 2013, Qupperneq 46
46 Regnbogahátíð fjölskyldunnar í Viðey Sunnudaginn 11. ágúst Viðey fagnar Hinsegin dögum, hýr og kát, með frábærri fjölskyldudagskrá og glæsilegum regnbogaveitingum í Viðeyjarstofu sunnudaginn 11. ágúst. Siglt er frá Skarfabakka í Sundahöfn á klukkustundar fresti frá kl. 11:15–17:15 og oftar ef þörf krefur. Ferjan leggur úr höfn í Reykjavík stundarfjórðung yfir heilan tíma. Hinsegin tilboð í ferjuna þennan dag. • 11:30–17:00: Regnbogaveitingar í Viðeyjarstofu fyrir börn og fullorðna • 14:30: Samverustund og leikir í boði Félags hinsegin foreldra Rainbow Family Festival on Viðey Island On Sunday 11 August, The Association of Queer Parents will host a Family Festival on Viðey Island in cooperation with Reykjavík Pride. A boat will leave Sundahöfn Harbor in Reykjavík every 60 minutes throughout the day, starting at 11:15 a.m. The program starts at 2:30 p.m. Delicious rainbow refreshments will be served in Viðeyjarstofa throughout the day. Those who are single and/or without children, but enjoy staying in touch with their inner child, are especially welcome to the Rainbow Family Festival. BSÍ Bus Terminal 101 Reykjavík 580 5400 main@re.is www.re.is The Golden Circle & Fontana Wellness SRE-74 Wonders at Sea with Cruise SRE-16 South Shore Adventure RE-15 You can easily buy your tour with us now! Book now via your smartphone! Available! in the Android Play Store & Apple App Store. FREE ouR app is 20% discount on thE Following touRs pRidE pass holdERs REcEivE WE‘ll TAKE You ThERE! All ThE moST ExCiTinG PlACES in iCElAnd whEn booking onlinE using this coupon codE: pRidEpass2013 book now on www.re.is OR
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Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík

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