Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Side 6

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Side 6
4 of the settlement, but especially in last few decades along with other foreign grasses. Most of the foreign species that have become establish- ed still grow predominantly close to the cultivated land or around towns and farms. Away from human settle- ments the native vegetation still holds its own against the foreign species, although considerable changes have also occurred here, as mentioned above. Several of the intro- duced species, such as Lamium spp., Galeopsis spp. and others florish especially in geothermal areas where they may take on the character of weeds, though they are in- conspicuous in other areas. Of the foreign species of flowering plants that have be- come permanently established in Iceland, almost all are perennial. Almost all annual species and many perennial only survive for a single summer in a given area and then die out. Some are introduced each year into many areas with grass seeds etc., but many of the species are only introduced now and then at irregular intervals. Foreign species recorded in Iceland in the period 1900—1948. Stefánsson (1901) listed 44 species of foreign plants that had been found growing in a wild state in Iceland, but could not be said to have become permanently esta- blished. These are (Icelandic names in brackets): Hordeum distichum (tvíraðabygg) Secále cereále (rúgur) Phálaris canariensis (kanarígras) Alopecurus pratensis (háliðagras) Bromus secálinus (faxagras) B. racemosus (faxagras) B. brizaeformis (faxagras) B. tectorum (faxagras) Avena sativa (hafrar) Holcus lanatus (loðgresi) Polygonumtomentosum (lóblaðka) P. convoívulus (vafsúra) Chenopodium album (hélunjóli) Agrostemma githago (akurstjarna) Silene cucubálus (holurtarbróðir) Cameline microcarpa (hárdoðra) Thlaspi arvense (akursjóður) Lepidium perfoliatum (akurperla) L. ruderále (akurperla) Conringia orientális (garðablaðka) Sisymbrium áltissimum (desurt) Brassipa rapa f. campestris (arfa- næpa) Sinapis arvensis (arfamustarður) S.álba (hvítmustarður) Raphanus raphanistrum (akur- hreðka) Erysium repandum (aronsvandar- bróðir) Málva boreális (kisuostur)


Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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