Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Page 7

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Page 7
5 Pisurn arvense (gráertur) P. sativum (gulertur) Melilotus officinalis (gulur stein- smári) M. albus (hvítur steinsmári) Medicago lupulina (úlfasmári) Vicia hirsuta (loðflækja) V. sativa (fóðurflækja) Trifolium pratense (rauðsmári) Lappula myosotis (íguljurt) Lamium amplexicaule (varpa- tvítönn) L. purpureum (akurtvítönn) Galium aparine (krókmaðra) Centaurea cyanus (kornblóm) Anthemis arvensis (akurgæsajurt) Bellis perennis (fagurfífill) Achillea ptarmica (silfurhnappur) Matricaria chamomilla (krydd- baldursbrá) By now the following 6 of these species may be con- sidered as permanently established: Alopecurus pratensis, Holcus lanatus, Achillea ptarmica, Trifolium pratense, Lamium amplexicaule and L. purpureum. All of these spe- cies were found only very locally around the turn of the century, but have since spread wideíy. The remaining 38 species, most of which are annuals, come and go and rare- ly remain for any length of time at the same place. Some of these, such as Avena sativa, Hordeum distichum, Poly- gonum convolvulus, Chenopodium album, Brassica cam- pestris and Sinapis arvensis occur annually at Reykjavík. They are probably carried there every year with grass seeds, chicken fodder and other cargo, but may produce seeds during good summers. Stefánsson (1924) records the following 7 additional foreign species: Allium oleraceum (villilaukur) Filago germanica (ullarjurt) Potentillanorvegica (Noregsmura) Matricaria matricarioides (gulbrá Digitalis purpurea (fingurbjargar- or túnbrá) blóm) Tussilago farfara (hóffífill) Veronica chamaedrys (völudepla) Of these Allium oleraceum, Veronica chamaedrys and Matricaria matricarioides were probably already well esta- blished by that time while Tussilago farfara has become established since. In Stefánsson (1948) the following 65 foreign species found growing in a wild state were listed for the first time: Triticum aestivum (hveiti) Phalaris arundinacea v. picta Hordeum polystichum (bygg) (randagras) Lolium perenne (vallar-rýgresi) Sieglingia decumbens (knjápuntur) L. multiflorum (ítalskt rýgresi) Avena pubescens (dúnhafri)


Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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