The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 11

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 11
ICELANDIC LOCALITIES INVESTIGATED IN JULY AND AUGUST 1935 My investigations in the summer of 1935 began in the first part of July in S.W. Iceland, viz. in the country around Reykjavík, Hafnar- fjörður and Þingvellir. I continued my researches in N.W. Iceland, where, however, I only paid short visits to some places, and in N. Ice- land in the part near Siglufjörður. In the latter part of July I visited N.E. Iceland, viz. the part around Lagarfljót with the largest birch copses in the country; a homefield at Lindabrekka; the depression near Mývatn with Laxárdalur; a birch copse in Fnjóskadalur, and the part around Akureyri. In the first days of August I again visited S.W. Ice- land, viz. the mountain slopes with birch copses near Laugarvatn and Reykir at Álafoss, and finally the Vestmannaeyjar. My largest finds were made in Brekka, Egilstaðir, and Hallorm- staður near Lagarfljót; on Slúttnes in Mývatn; in Skútustaðir and Garður-Grænavatn at the south end of Mývatn, and especially in the birch copse near Laugarvatn in S. Iceland. LIST OF FUNGI Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In and Amanitopsis vaginata v. fulva „ „ v. plumbea „ „ v. fungites Anellaria separata Armillaria mellea Boletus scaber „ subtomentosus Clitocybe infundibuliformis „ odora Cortinarius anomalus „ collinitus „ decipiens „ delibutus around a birch copse. Cortinarius flexipes „ helvelloides „ saturninus Cortiniopsis pyrothricha Eccilia undata Entoloma rhodopolium „ sericeum Hebeloma crustuliniforme „ fastibile „ mesophaeum „ strophosum Helvella lacunosa Hygrophorus conicus


The Botany of Iceland

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