The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 12

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 12
196 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN Hygrophorus constans „ puniceus f. minor „ psittacinus Inocybe asterospora „ microspora Laccaria laccata Lactarius glyciosmus „ spinosulus „ torminosus Lycoperdon echinulatum Panaeolus papilionaceus Panaeolus sphinctrinus Peziza aurantia Russula alpina „ foetens „ gracillima „ graminicolor „ ochracea „ sardonia „ versicolor Stropharia semiglobosa Hallormstaður, 22.VII.1935. In and around a birch copse. Boletus elegans „ scabér Calvatia arctica Collybia butyracea „ dryophila Hebeloma mesophaeum Inocybe calamistrata „ dulcamara „ fastigiata „ maculata Laccaria laccata Mycena filopes Panaeolus fimicola Pholiota marginata ? „ praecox Psathyra spadiceo-grisea Russula sp. Tricholoma leucocephalum Tubaria pellucida Besides the specimens cited above some others were met with here, especially of the genera Inocybe, Cortinarius, Galera and Russula. Lindabrekka in N.E. Iceland, 26.VII.1935. In a homefield. Anellaria separata Bolbitius vitellinus Coprinus fimetarius Entoloma sericeum Galera sp. Panaeolus sphinctrinus Psilocybe physaloides Russula alpina „ ochracea Stropharia semiglobata Tricholoma panaeolus „ brevipes Skútustaðir, Garður, and Grænavatn at the south end of Mývatn, 28.—30.VII. 1935. In outfields, lavafields, and moist meadows and bogs, in ditches. Acetabula sulcata „ sp. Amanitopsis vaginata Clitocybe dealbata „ tornata „ sp. Coprinus ephemeroides Cortinarius collinitus Entoloma sericeum Hebeloma mesophaeum „ strophosum Hygrophorus miniatus „ niveus „ puniceus f. Inocybe objecta „ calamistrata „ decipiens „ fastigiata „ hiulca „ Langei „ maculata „ microspora „ squamata Lactarius brunneo-violaceus „ torminosus „ uvidus Naucoria myosotis „ sobria ?


The Botany of Iceland

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