The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 25

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 25
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF ICELAND 209 Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. Cap 5—7 cm broad, convex-flat, somewhat umbonate, datebrown, becoming somewhat fulvous, edge at first white-silky. Stipe 6—8 X 1 cm, base 1.5 cm, some- what clavate, whitish, upper part tinged a light violaceous inside and outside, discolouring with age to a dingy clay-brownish. Gills rather dark, at first somewhat purplish, rather broad. Spores ellipsoid, 7.5 X 4.5 JU. Plate, fig. 40. 66. C. (Hydrocybe) decipiens (Persoon) Fries, Epicr. p. 312. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 537, no. 531. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 103, f. D. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In a birch copse. Spores ovate, finely punctate, 8—9 X 5—5.5 JU. Plate, fig. 41. 67. *C. (Hydrocybe) dilutus (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 305. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 100, f. B. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 29.VII.1935. Among moss under birches and willows. Cap 2—3 cm broad, convex with somewhat incurved margin, then plane and slightly umbonate, at first brown (h 1), red-brown (c 1) or dull clay-brown (g3), margin pellucidly striate, becoming paler honey-colour, alutaceous when dry, edge slightly white silky. Stipe 5—6 cm X c. 4 mm, whitish with a flush of honey-colour (g4—g5), hollow, finely white fibrillose, silky, shining. Gills ventricose, rounded with decurrent tooth, rather, distant, somewhat ochry (g 3—g2), edge white denticulate. Flesh coloured like the cap. Spores oval-cylindrical, smooth, 10—11.5 X 5—6 fl. Plate, fig. 42. 68. *C. (Hydrocybe) SCÍOphylluS Fries, Monogr. II, p. 309. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 103, f. F. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 31.VII. 1935. Under birch and willows. Cap c. 6 cm broad, moist not viscid, at first convex, then somewhat depressed with broad, obtuse umbo and wavy or slightly lobed margin, dark brown (g 8—o 6), covered with white, floccose velum, especially near the edge. Flesh brown-violet. Stipe cylindrical, 4—5 cm high, 1 cm thick, at first violet, inside and outside (o 3—o 7), finely white silky fibrillose, then whitish. Gills at first pale violet- brown (06), then dark brown (h 1), rounded with decurrent tooth, margin some- what denticulate. Spores obliquely ovate, rather coarsely verrucose, 7—8 X 4—5 ju. Plate, fig. 43. 69. C. (Telamonia) hemitrichus (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 302. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 538, no. 534. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 99, f. B. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 31.VII. 1935. Among mosses under birch and willows. Spores ovate ellipsoidal, 8—9 X 4—5 JU. Plate, fig. 44. 70. C. (Telamonia) flexipes (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 300. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 538, no. 535. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 98, f. B. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Under birches. Spores ovate ellipsoidal, 8—9.5 X 5-—6 ju. Plate, fig. 45. 71. C. (Telamonia) rigidus (Scopoli) Fries, Epicr., p. 302. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 538, no. 536. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. III, t. 100, f. A. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 29.VII.1935. Under birches.


The Botany of Iceland

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