The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 33

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 33
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF IGELAND 217 Fig. 1. Spores of Lactarius and Russula. The spores were treated with iodine-iodate of potassium and chloral1 which stains the relief of the sporewall black.—All spores magnified c. 1500 times. a. L. glyciosmus f. L. brunneo-violaceus k. R. sardonia b. )) spinosulus g- )) lacunarum 1. » » c. )) flavidus h. )) torminosus m. „ versicolor d. )) uvidus i. R. ochracea n. „ gracillima e. „ „ var. )) foetens 0. „ alpina tomentose-squamulose. Stipe tall, c. 8 cm, slightly dilated at the base, spongy, coloured like the cap (j 2—j 1), base slightly white-woolly. Gills somewhat crowded, narrow, pallid ochre-fleshcolour (g 3), somewhat decurrent. Flesh whitish with a reddish tinge (i 1), insipid. Milk white, mild. Sporepowder white with a slightly creamy tint. Spores oval-subspheric, 7—8 X 6 H, surface with coarse ridges, somewhat reticulate. Fig. 1 b. 115. *L. flavidus Boudier. J. E. Lange, Dansk bot. Arkiv, vol. 5, no. 5, p. 31. Plate I, f. 7. Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 170, f. F. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 31.VII.1935. Under willows. Small to medium. Cap whitish, ivory to straw-yellowish (b 7-—k 3) towards the centre, convex-flat, edge naked; very viscous. Stipe rather slender, somewhat viscid, soft, but not hollow, yellowish-white. Gills white with a slight tinge of yellowish, rather crowded and narrow, decurrent. Milk white, turns beautifully lavender (o 3—n 8) when exposed to the air, as do the various parts of the plant when touched. Taste slowly somewhat bitterish-pungent. Spores oval-spherical, subreticulate, 7/2—8/2 X 6/2—7 /U. Fig. 1 c. 116. L. uvidus Fries, Epicr., p. 388. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 551, nö. 586. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 170, f. C. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Among grass in lavafields. 1 I. Iodine 0.5 gr., iodate of potassium 1.5 gr., distilled water 20 gr. II. Chloral 25 gr., distilled water 15 gr.


The Botany of Iceland

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