The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 34

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 34
218 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN Spores oval-subspheric, with coarse and minute ridges, subreticulate, 11—12 X 9— 10 JU. Fig. 1 d. 117. L. uvidus Fries, var. farinipes Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 552, no. 587. Korpúlfsstaðir near Reykjavík, 7.VIII.1935. Among grass in outfields. Spores oval, subreticulate, 11 /l 9 X. Fig. 1 e. 118. *L. brunneo-violaceus n. sp. Skútustaðir and Garður near Mývatn, 30.VII.1935. Among grass in a home- field and abundant in a moist meadow and bog. Cap 3—5 cm broad, plano-convex with a central papilla, centre somewhat depressed, slightly viscid, when dry reddish to brownish violet (o 2—o3—j 3). Stipe 3—4 cm high, c. 1 cm thick, cylindrical, coloured like the cap (o 3—06). Gills yellowish. Milk watery, mild. Flesh coloured like the cap. Spores white, oval, 10—12 X 7.2—7.6 J( subreticulate. Fig. 1 f. Pileo carnoso, 3—5 cm lato, plano-convexo centroque subdepresso, subpapillato :glabro, brunnescenti-violaceo, subviscido vel sicco; stipite æquali, glabro, 3—4 cm X c. 1 cm, concolori; lamellis albis vel luteis, lacte aquato, sapore dulci. Sporæ 10— 12 X 7.2—7.6 JU- 119. *L. lacunarum (Romagn.) J. E. Lange n. comb. (L. decipiens Quél. var. lacunarum Romagn.). J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 174, f. E. Blönduós 1937. Laugarvatn, 17.VII.1937. Lón, 26.VII.1935. Hafnarfjörður, 8.VII.1935. Reykjavík, 6.VII.1935. Among grass in a moist meadow. Cap 2—3 broad, plane, hygrophanous, when moist redbrown (g8), when dry paler (06). Stipe 2—3 cm high, c. 0.6 mm thick, coloured like the cap. Gills pallid. Milk white. Taste mild. Spores oval-subspheric, subreticulate, c. 8—9 X 7 JU. Fig. 1 g. 120. L. torminosus (Schaeffer) Fries, Epicr., p. 334. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 552, no. 588. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 169, f. A. Skútustaðir, 31.VII.1935. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Among grass in birch copses and in outfields. Spores oval, finely and densely reticulate-echinulate, 7—8 X 5—6 //. Fig. 1 h. Russula Fries. 121. R. graminicolor (Secretan) Quélet. Agaricus graminicolor Secretan, Myco- graphie Suisse I, no. 518. J. E. Lange, Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 188, f. C. R. aeruginea. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 31.VII.1935. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. 122. R. ochracea (Albertini et Schweinitz) Fries, Epicr. I, p. 362. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 554, no. 594. Lón, 26.VII.1935. On heath. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. Vest- mannaeyjar, 9.VIII.1935. Among grass and mosses on a mountain slope. Spores yellow, subspherical, finely and densely reticulate-echinulate, 7.5—8 X 6.5 /t. Fig. 1 i. 123. *R. foetens (Persoon) Fries, Epicr. p. 359. •Cooke, 111., no. 1015, t. 1046. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 185, f. C.


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