The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 35

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Page 35
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF ICELAND 219 Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. Cap 8—15 cm broad, dingy yellow, often becoming pale, thinly fleshy, globose, then expanded and depressed, rigid, viscid in wet weather: margin broadly mem- branaceous, at first incurved, at length tuberculate-striate. Stipe 5—9 X 1—3 cm, whitish, ventricose. Gills whitish, or straw colour, often dingy when bruised, at first exuding watery drops, adnexed, crowded, connected by veins often forked. Flesh white, then ochraceous. Smell very strong. Taste acrid. Sporepowder white. Spores subspherical, c. 8 X 7 fl, echinulate-verrucose. Fig. 1 j. 124. *R. sardonia Fr., Epicr., p. 353. (= R. expallens Gill.). J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 180, f. D. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. Varmahlið, 2.VIII.1935. Sporepowder yellow (7 b—6 b). Spores oval-subspherical, echinulate-verrucose, 7.5 X 6.5 JU, 7.5 X 7.5 JU- Fig. 1 k and 11 (10—11 X 8—8.5 JU ; Varmahlið). 125. *R. versicolor J. Schaeffer, Russula Monographie, 1934, p. 369, t. II. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 194, f. B. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Numerous in birch copses. Cap 3—8 cm broad, thin-fleshed, convex then depressed-flat, edge becoming minutely striate and somewhat grooved. Fundamental colour brownish incarnate with a flush of purplish, in the centre yellowish-olive (h 7—i6) or at first darker purplish to purple-brown (o 1—c 1—j 3—n 2), expallent, becoming olive-yellowish or olive-greenish (h 7—i 6), edge flesh coloured or pale (c 7—c8—j 1—i 1). Cuticle detachable. Stipe equal or somewhat dilated at base, spongy-brittle, white, discolour- ing, from base up and in wound, to a rather vivid yellow (b 7—14—15). Flesh tasteless; the gills slightly acrid. Gills rather crowded, rotundate in front, cream, becoming pale yellow-ochry (b 7). Sporepowder light ochry yellow (1 1—e5). Spores 7—7.5 X 5.5—6.5 H, broadly oval, echinulate and somewhat reticulate. Fig. 1 m. 126. *R. gracillima J. Schaeffer, Russula Monographie, 1934, p. 482, t. III. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In a birch copse. Cap 3—8 cm broad, thin-fleshed, convex then depressed-flat, somewhat umbonate, edge becoming minutely striate and' somewhat grooved. Fundamental colour light pink with a flush of purplish, in the centre at first darker purplish (c3), expallent, becoming olive-green (i 5—i7), edge pink with a flush of purplish (m 4—n 6—■ n7—c6). Stipe slightly dilated at base, somewhat curved, white, flushed with light pink (m 2) or pink all over (m4). Gills white, tapering towards the stipe. Taste somewhat acrid. Sporepowder white. Spores oval—broadly oval, finely echinulate, 7.5—8.5 X 6.4—7.5 JU. Fig. 1 n. 127. *R. alpina (Blytt) Moll. et Schff., Zwei Russulae von den Faröern, An- nales Mycologici, vol. 38, p. 332—334. Egilstaðir, 19.VII.1935. Lindabrekka and Lón, 26.VII.1935. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII. 1935. Reykir at Álafoss, 7.VIII.1935. Blönduós, 13.VII.1937. In birch copses and among grass both in the valleys and in mountain pastures. Cap 3—5 cm broad, convex-flat, at length with depressed centre, pure scarlet- rosy (m 6—d4), light bloodred or the centre dark dull bloodred (c 1—c2) and the edge slightly light bloodred (d4), edge slightly striate. Stipe equal, somewhat dilated above, 3—4 cm high, up to 1 cm thick, white with low ridges and veins. The Botany of Iceland. Vol. III. part II. 15


The Botany of Iceland

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