The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 36

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Qupperneq 36
220 M. P. GHRISTIANSEN Gills white, equal, free or somewhat adnate. Flesh white, but red below the pellicle, taste at first somewhat acrid, soon mild. Sporepowder white, spores oval-subspherical, dense and minutely reticulate, 8—8.5 X 7 /1. Fig- 1 o. Coprinariaceae. Coprinus (Persoon) Fries. 128. *C. COmatus (Schum. in Flora Danica). Fries, Epicr., p. 242. Agaricus comatus Fl. Dan., t. 834. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 156, f. E. Reykjavík, 7.VIII.1935. In a garden, among grass. Cap cylindric-ellipsoid, 6—10 cm high, densely covered with white to pale brownish, at first depressed, then recurved large hair-scales, disc smooth, somewhat viscid, pale brownish; cap resorbing from the edge and becoming conic-campanulate, at last flowing away. Stipe 10—25 cm high, stout, base somewhat swollen, hollow, white, smooth or with white flocci. Ring skin-like, free. Gills very crowded, free, white, becoming rose, then purplish-brown, at last black from the edge of cap to- wards the stipe. Spores ovate, 12—13 X 7—8 /U. 129. C. atramentarius (Bulliard) Fries, Epicr., p. 243, J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 157, f. H. Reykjavík, 7.VIII.1935. Among grass in garden, etc. 130. C. fimetarius (Linné). Fries, Epicr., p. 245. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Ice- land, p. 556, no. 604. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 158, f. G. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII.1935. On dung. Spores oval, 10—12 X 6—7.5 /í. 131. *C. macrocephalus Berk. Engl. Fl. V, p. 122. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 158, f. B. Akureyri, 2.VIII.1935. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII.1935. On dung. Rather small to medium. Cap 1.2—1.7 cm high, cylindrical, while in bud covered by a coating of erect, pointed, fibrillose scales, but very soon becoming naked, livid- gray (c 4—c3) (slightly fulvous at the top), minutely striate and at last expanding with recurving, deliquescent edge. Stipe rather thin, rapidly elongating, attaining up to 6 cm X 2 mm, translucent, at first sparingly clad with long pilosity, soon becoming absolutely glabrous, without any root. Gills very narrow, soon black. Spores oval, impellucid, black, 13—14.4 X 7.5—8 /U. Plate, fig. 73. 132. *C. domesticus (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 251. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 159, f. G. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 31.VII.1935. On the ground around stump. The bud is entirely enclosed in the veil, the outer layer of which is felty-setulose, subochraceous, while the inner layer is whitish and granulate. When the cap expands, the veil breaks up into minute, granular scales, dispersed on the translucid, radiately splitting cap. Cap c. 1)4 cm high and c. 1 cm broad. Stipe 3—4 cm high, c. 2 mm thick, white. Sporepowder blackish-brown. Spores oval to sub-phaseoliform, 7—9 X 4.5 /L Plate, fig. 75.


The Botany of Iceland

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