
Bókasafnið - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 20

Bókasafnið - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 20
og framkvæmci safnanna í endur- og víðbótarmenntun og þjálfun starfsmanna skipta þar miklu auk launakjara. Illu heilli hafa nú þau tengsl sem lengst af voru á milli bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðiskorarinnar og bókasafnanna um vettvangs- námíð rofnað þar sem nemendur eru ekki lengur samfelldan tíma í söfnunum. Á fjölsóttu málþingi Félags þókasafns- fræðinga um menntun í nóvember 1999 mátti heyra að flestum þykir þetta skaði. Á þinginu kom fram mikill metnaður og áhugí stéttarínnar á því að taka ábyrgan þátt í mótun námsins og nýja félagið Upplýsing, félag bókasafns- og upp- lýsingafræða, mun ábyggílega ekkí láta sitt eftir liggja. Látum umrót aldamótanna verða til þess að skapa frjó skoðanaskipti um málefnið. Heimildir 1. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Statement for Congress on Professional Education, Issues in Higher Education and Library and Information Studies Education. March 1999. http://vwvw.ala.org/congress/acrl.html, 2. Bókasafnsfræðingatal. Æviskrár íslenskra bókasafns- og upplýsingafræð- inga 1921-1996. 1998. Reykjavík, Mál og mynd, Tekið af vef 28.12.1999. 3. Carey, James O. 1998. Library skills, information skills, and information literacy. Implications for teaching and learning. http://www.ala.org/aasl/SLMQ/skills.html. Tekið af vef 5.1. 2000. 4. Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21 st Century. Submitted to the SLA Board of Directors by the Special Committee on Competencies for Special Librarians. Full report. May 1996. http://www. sla.org/professional/competency.html. Tekið afvef 30.12. 1999. 5. Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir. 1995. Breytt atvinnulíf og færni starfsmanna. Könnun á færniþáttum sem taldir eru mikilvægir i atvinnulifi framtíðarinnar. Uppeldiog menntun - Tímarit Kennaraháskóla Islands 4:59-78. 6. Hildur Friðriksdóttir. 2000. Er aukin áhersla á þverfaglegt nám það sem koma skal? Morgunblaöiö 26. janúar. 7. Jón Torfi Jónasson. 1999. Traditional university responds to society? [Stytt útgáfa af erindi sem flutt var á fundi European Universities Continuing Education Network i Reykjavík 25. júní 1999.] LifelongLearning in Europe 4/1999:235-243. 8. Library & Informatíon Technology Association. Statement for Congress on Professional Educatíon. 21. april 1999, http://www.ala.org/congress/ lita.html. Tekið af vef 28.12. 1999. 9. Moran, Barbara B. 1999. Guest editorial. Changing education for a changing profession. College and Research Libraries 60,5:408-410. 10. Páll Skúlason. 2000. Hlutverk Háskóla (slands. Morgunblaöiö 10. febrúar. ,HAND BOKBAND Ársæll Þ. Árnason bókbindari Hjarðarhaga 24 • 107 Reykjavík sími /fax: 551 2691 Summary A unique opportunity for an energetic and ambitious individual This article discusses the changing environment of the librarian in modern society and the changes in librarian and information science education which are inevitable if libraries are to be able to fulfill their roles competently in the present and future. The author begins by giving an account of the differing opinions of library educators and practicing librarians as expressed by both parties at the ALA Congress on Professional Education held in Washington D.C. in the spring of 1999. She goes on to discuss the situation in lceland, describing both the demands of the market as well as what is considered to be the necessary education for professional competency today. She emphasizes the need for a broad, flexible educational system, including undergraduate and graduate courses as well as underlining the need for con- tinuing adult education programs. She concludes by stating that while universities are the natural leaders in library education policy, they should always take into account the needs of society and seek the active cooperation of practitioners. Á, A, Hin 19 ára gamla Colette les í garðinum sínum. 18 Bókasafnið 24. árg. 2000
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