Bókasafnið - 01.01.2000, Side 47

Bókasafnið - 01.01.2000, Side 47
Heimildaskrá 1. Allen, Robert S. (1991). Physics information and scientifio communica- tion: information sources and communication patterns. Science & Technology Ubraries, 11 (3), 27-38. 2. Busha, Charles H. og Harter, Stephen P. (1980). Research methods in librarianship: techniques and interpretation. New York: Academic Press, 369 bls. 3. Cavallin, Mats og Nilsson, Jan (1994). FUTUBI-projektet: förstudie angáende utvardering av universitetsbibliotek: slutrapport. Stockholm: Kungl. biblioteket, BIBSAM. (BIBSAM-rapport: 9), 60 bls. 4. CDNOSP: Nordisk samkatalog for periodika: 1995: 1. Oslo, Universitets- biblioteket, 1995. [Geisladiskur]. 5. Ellis, David (1993). Modelling the information-seeking patterns of academic researchers: a grounded theory approach. Library Quarteriy, 63 (4), 469-486. 6. Ellis, David, Cox, Deborah og Hall, Katherine (1993). A comparison of the information seeking patterns of researchers in the physical and social sciences. Journal of Documentation, 49 (4), 356-369. 7. Frid, Hans Ove (1992). A grounded theory approach for discovering how agricultural scient’ists seek information. í Karin Adler, Erik Helmer og Hans i\Holm (ritstjórar). Teknologi och kompetens: föredrag presenterade vid 8:de nordiska konferensen för information och dokumentation 19-21/5 1992 i Helsingborg. Stockholm: Tekniska Litteratursallskapet (bls. 49-53). 8. Hallmark, Julie (1994). Scientists' access and retrieval of references cited in their recent journal articles. College and Research Libraries, 55 (3), 199-209. 9. Palmer, Judith (1991). Scientists and information: I. using cluster analysis to identify information style. Journal of Documentation, 47 (2), 105-129. 10. Rannveig Traustadóttir (1995). Fjölskyldulíf og fötlun: eigindleg rannsókn. í Friörik H. Jónsson (ritstjóri), Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum: eríndi flutt á ráðstefnu í september 1994 (bls. 97-111). Reykjavík: Félagsvísinda- stofnun Háskóla (slands, Háskólaútgáfan. 11. Sandstrom, Pamela Effrein (1994). An optimal foraging approach to information seeking and use. Library Quarterly, 64 (4), 414-449. 12. Smith, Linda (1981). Citation analysis. Library Trends, 30 (1), 83-106. 13. Taylor, Steven J. og Bogdan, Robert (1998). Introduction to qualitative research methods: a guidebook and resource (3. útgáfa). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Summary Within reach. Scientists' access to information and their information-seeking habits Citation analysis was used to research scientists' access to references they used in 1994 and 1995 The scientists worked in five small research institutions (with staff from ca 35 to 120) in the natural sciences in lceland. Citation analysis of 6798 references in 445 papers showed that 64.5% of cited foreign literature could be found in relevant libraries and 83% of lcelandic citations. Where access was best scientists could find 83.1% of the foreign references in the library. Locations of cited foreign journals in the NOSP-catalog (Nordic Union Catalog of Serials) showed that ca 97% of citations to foreign journals could be found in the libraries concerned, other libraries in lceland or in other Nordic countries. Interlibrary loans between the Nordic countries are relatively easy and cheap and are widely used in lcelandic research libraries. A mailed questionnaire sent to 85 authors of scientific articles (94% return rate) working in the same institutions showed that the scientists first became aware of the majority of foreign references in articles published 1994 and 1995, through references in the literature (38%) and colleagues (25%). Colleagues provided them with 21% of the papers they referred to but library subscriptions and interlibrary loans were most important, covering 60% of their citations. In-depth unstructured interviews with 15 scientists, Sept. 1996 to May 1997, showed great variety in the methods used in gathering information. The scientists were divided into four groups according to their information-seek- ing habits: hunters, confident seekers, collectors and non- seekers. G.P. ,HAND BOKBAND Ársæll Þ. Árnason bókbindari Hjarðarhaga 24 • 107 Reykjavík sími /fax: 551 2691 Bókasafnið 24. árg, 2000 45



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